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Date: 09/01/17 More than 23 thousand electronic signature certificates were issued in 2016

Electronic signature, which reduces distances by saving time and manpower, has been used for the exchange of 

Date: 27/12/16 New resident begins operating at High Technologies Park

A new resident begins operating at the High Technologies Park as a result of work done by the Ministry of Communications 

Date: 23/12/16 Award presentation ceremony of winners of ‘NETTY 2016’ held with support of Ministry of Communications and High Technologies

The award presentation ceremony of the winners of Azerbaijan National Internet Award “NETTY 2016” was 

Date: 20/12/16 Azerbaijan fully switches to digital TV broadcasting

The Ministry of Communications and High Technologies informs that from today the country has fully switched 

Date: 16/12/16 Winners of contest and competitions dedicated to 135th anniversary of telephone communication in Azerbaijan awarded

The awarding ceremony of the winners of the contest and  competitions  held in connection with the professional holiday of workers of communications and information technologies

Date: 16/12/16 Appeal Board of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies holds next meeting

The Appeal Board established in the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies (MCHT) has held its next meeting.

Date: 15/12/16 Winners of ‘Promotion of earth remote surveillance services for the sake of sustainable development of Azerbaijan’ competition announced

A workshop on the results of the “Promotion of earth remote surveillance services for the sake of sustainable development of Azerbaijan” competition was held at the Main Ground Satellite Control Centre of Azercosmos OJSC.

Date: 13/12/16 Trainings for employees working with citizens in telecommunication nodes and post offices launched at ‘Electronic Government’ Training and Education Centre

Trainings for employees working with citizens in telecommunication nodes and post offices have started at the 

Date: 09/12/16 Minister of Communications and High Technologies Ramin Guluzade receives citizens in Neftchala

On December 9, Minister of Communications and High Technologies Ramin Guluzade received citizens in Neftchala city 

Date: 06/12/16 Professional holiday of communication workers celebrated in Ganja

Today is the professional holiday of workers of communications and information technologies

Date: 05/12/16 Employees of Ministry of Communications and High Technologies visited national leader Heydar Aliyev’s grave in Alley of Honor and Martyrs’ Alley on occasion of professional holiday

The employees  of  the  Ministry of Communications and High Technologies  visited  the Alley of  Honor,  paid tribute 

Date: 05/12/16 Ilham Aliyev attends opening of Regional Data and International Switching centers of Ministry of Communications and High Technologies

The opening ceremony of the Regional Data and International Switching centers of the Ministry of Communications 

Date: 02/12/16 UPU Director General views BakuTel-2016 exhibition

Director-General of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) Bishar Hussein, who is on a visit to Azerbaijan, visited the exhibition

Date: 02/12/16 President signs decree on awarding employees of communications and information technologies sphere

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has signed a decree on awarding the employees of the 

Date: 02/12/16 New Director General of Aztelekom LLC appointed

Suat Pashayev has been appointed as a Director General of Aztelekom LLC by the order of  Minister of 

03 June 2024

02 06 2024