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Date: 13/02/13 Cabinet of Ministers introduces changes to ‘Rules for the administration of GOV.AZ domain’

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan has made a decision to introduce changes to the “Rules for the administration of GOV.AZ domain.”

Date: 13/02/13 Official Facebook page of ‘e-Government’ portal’ expands its activity

In October 2012, the Data-Computing Centre of the Ministry of Communications and Information created an official webpage of the "e-Government" portal (www.facebook.com/egov.az ) at the "Facebook" social network. The webpage is aimed at enlightening the citizens of the Republic on various activities and

Date: 01/02/13 Web Search Tool Answers Your Tricky Questions

Some web searches are easy to think of and describe, but complicated to conduct, the Mashable reported. If, for instance, you want to find “a nonstop flight from Las Vegas to San Diego next week on JetBlue,” you have to fill out a bevy of fields on a travel site.

Date: 31/01/13 Report: YouTube to Launch Paid Subscriptions

It looks like YouTube is about to take a big step towards monetizing its videos. YouTube is planning to launch paid subscriptions for a couple dozen channels as soon as April, according to a new report in AdAge citing "multiple people familiar with the plans." , the Mashable reported.

Date: 31/01/13 Statement on White House website calls on Obama to announce Khojaly memorial day

A statement calling on the U.S. President Barack Obama to announce an official memorial day for the victims of war crimes committed by Armenian armed forces against Azerbaijanis in Khojaly during the 1990s war has been posted on the White House's website.

Date: 29/01/13 Lottery tickets to be sold through Internet and mobile phones

Azerlotereya OJSC plans to start selling lottery tickets at the end of the first quarter of this year. The sale of lottery tickets will be carried out through the Internet, PayPoint terminals, Topaz gambling sport games centers with use of SMS.

Date: 29/01/13 Statement on White House website calls on Obama to announce Khojaly memorial day

A statement calling on US President Barack Obama to announce an official memorial day for the victims of war crimes committed by Armenian armed forces against Azerbaijanis in Khojaly during the 1990s war has been posted on the White House's website.

Date: 28/01/13 Twitter launches advertising services in Middle East

Twitter Inc launched advertising services in the Middle East and North Africa on Sunday as the social media firm seeks to exploit a tripling of its regional subscriber base following its widespread use during the Arab Spring protests.

Date: 25/01/13 Government net snooping rises again

Governments around the world are requesting more information about internet users than ever before. That's according to statistics released by Google in its latest bi-annual transparency report, the Computing reported.

Date: 25/01/13 Internet users will be able to take part in virtual tours of Baku Boulevard

The Coastal Boulevard Office under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan has conducted a media presentation of 3D virtual tours of Baku Boulevard.

Date: 24/01/13 Every Senator and 90% of House Members Now Use Twitter

All 100 United States Senators are now using Twitter, while 90% of House of Representatives are on the network, according to Twitter.

Date: 24/01/13 France Considering an 'Internet Tax' on Personal Data

France is considering a so-called "Internet tax" on data collection activities by Facebook, Googleand other technology companies.

Date: 24/01/13 Number of phishing incidents in AzNET's segment of Internet dropped by 35.3 per cent in December

The actual number of phishing incidents in AzNET's segment dropped by 35.3 per cent last month, a report by the Netcraft research firm published on its website said.

Date: 24/01/13 Legal regulation of e-commerce is important component in development of ICT field

The legal regulation of e-commerce is an important component in the development now, Goldenpay company director General Farid Ismayilzade said.

Date: 19/01/13 Monitoring groups will be set up to supervise observance of language usage rules in the Internet

Wide-scale monitoring activities are expected to be held in Azerbaijan next month in order to prevent violation by internet users of language usage rules. This information was provided to ICTnews online news service by the president of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

03 June 2024

02 06 2024