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Date: 22/06/12 Twitter suffers sustained outage amid hacker attack

Two service outages within the course of several hours rocked microblogging platform Twitter on Thursday, as users worldwide reported significant down-time and slow service across both Twitter's website and mobile applications. Amid speculation that Twitter had been crippled

Date: 20/06/12 Videoconference with NATO’s official held via scientific computer network AzScienceNet

An international conference titled ‘Azerbaijan – NATO cooperation after Chicago Summit : New prospects for cooperation’ has been held in the Scientific-Research Institute for Human Rights of ANAS. The activity was jointly organized by the Azerbaijan Lawyers Confederation,

Date: 19/06/12 Around 9,000 taxpayers passed through online registration

After introduction of the “One Window’ system in the State Registration System 75,765 physical persons and 13,713 legal entities were registered in Azerbaijan in the period from January 01, 2008 to May 31, 2012. By May 31, 2012 8,958 taxpayers passed through the online registration.

Date: 19/06/12 Facebook makes $10m charity payment to settle lawsuit

Known as a "sponsored story", the ads popped up on a user's friends' pages after the user clicked to "like" a firm's advert, BBC reported. The lawsuit was brought by five members of Facebook who said the ads violated Facebook members' rights to control the use of their activity on the site.

Date: 18/06/12 U.S. official seeks industry support to protect Web

Executives were urged to join the fight to keep the Internet free from centralized control, ahead of a conference later this year where U.S. government officials fear countries will vote to give the United Nations more power over the Web, according to Reuters. "Get your company involved.

Date: 18/06/12 LinkedIn breach puts site's reputation on the line

LinkedIn Corp's (LNKD.N) silence on the extent of a security breach that exposed millions of user passwords has damaged its reputation among some business professionals, and may slow the growing company's rise if the breach turns out to be more serious than disclosed, reported Reuters.

Date: 18/06/12 Retailers feast on free Facebook tools, shun ads

Krishan Agarwal, president of online luxury watch vendor Melrose.com, told a roomful of attentive Internet retailers last week how Facebook had helped his company generate about 25 percent more sales in two years. Then he dropped a bombshell: Melrose spent less than $1,500 on Facebook ads during that time.

Date: 11/06/12 Process of gathering information on reserve personnel fully digitalized

The process of selection of employees for vacancies in state organisations, by using of the Civil Service Affairs Commission under the President of Azerbaijan’s list of reserve personnel, has been fully digitalized. From now on, state organizations can acquire information on

Date: 11/06/12 The Future Fruits Of Apple + Facebook

When CEO Tim Cook kept saying “stay tuned” at D10 about new Apple collaborations with Facebook, he may have meant it literally. Soon you could be tuning into Facebook on Apple TV, or seeing your iTunes or iPod activity auto-shared to Facebook. Boosted revenue, better ad targeting,

Date: 11/06/12 Facebook colonization of the world progress report

Social network continues its conquest of the planet, taking over Brazil from Google in the last year, according to Vincenzo Cosenza's World Map of Social Networks. China and Russia remain the major populations resisting Facebook. Facebook continues its conquest of the planet,

Date: 11/06/12 Google faces July deadline over antitrust probe

Google must come up with proposals to address its dominance of the web search market by early next month or face regulatory intervention, the European Commission has said. Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia said the web giant must start

Date: 11/06/12 Zuckerberg joins Pinterest rival The Fancy

Facebook CEO fancies some high-end bookshelves, but does he also fancy buying the consumer-focused image-sharing site? Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg joined The Fancy this morning, piquing the interest of more than 100,000 followers by the late afternoon, Fast Company first noticed.

Date: 08/06/12 Opera to bring a faster mobile web to Latin America

Opera Software today announced that it has entered into a partnership with America Movil, the world’s third-largest mobile network provider, to bring the power of a faster mobile web to Latin America. Under this agreement, America Movil will bring a co-branded version of the Opera

Date: 08/06/12 Facebook’s Next Foreign Growth: Asia

In some of the largest countries, Facebook’s number of MAU is approaching its saturation point. Now it’s time to look further abroad for new opportunities. Which markets have the potential to become Facebook’s next big thing? The rank of the Top 15 Facebook countries

Date: 07/06/12 6 June - World IPv6 Launch day, says alliance of providers

An alliance of website operators, network operators and router manufacturers is ensuring that 6 June passes unnoticed by the majority of internet users. An odd aim, perhaps, but a good one, because if their campaign succeeds then its effects will be largely invisible.

02 June 2024

01 06 2024