bölmədə 213 material var

Date: 20/07/18 Google’s Fuchsia OS reportedly being worked on by 100+ engineers, could ship on phones within five years

It has been nearly two years since the first evidence of Google's 'Fuchsia' operating system surfaced

Date: 18/07/18 Microsoft To Discontinue Windows 10 Delta Updates

Microsoft plans to end distribution of its monthly Windows 10 "delta updates" starting Feb. 12, 2019, the company announced this week

Date: 17/07/18 Skype Finally Gets A Call Recording Feature

You’d think that call recording would be one of the basic features that Skype would offer but that’s not the case. 

Date: 29/06/18 Instagram Lite is a slimmed-down version of Instagram designed for emerging markets

Instagram hit the milestone of 1 billion users last week, but to keep growing it needs to find new markets, including 

Date: 06/06/18 Windows 10 Now Installed On Over 700 Million Devices Worldwide

Microsoft just announced a new milestone for its Windows 10 operating system: it is now installed on over 700 

Date: 05/06/18 Apple presents iOS 12, latest update of operating system for mobile devices

Tech giant Apple presented Monday its iOS 12, a new update of its operating system for iPhones and for iPad 

Date: 10/05/18 Google Announces Android Things 1.0: The Ultimate OS For IoT Devices

Internet of Things is becoming part of our everyday life. In a few years, every kind of hi-tech device and domestic

Date: 19/04/18 Microsoft Translator gets offline AI translations

Chances are you mostly need a translator app on your phone while you are traveling. But that’s also when you are

Date: 13/04/18 Android P will block apps from sending unsecure internet traffic

From a recent Google post, it looks like Android P will be preventing apps from using unencrypted connections

Date: 29/03/18 Microsoft project helps ALS community make music using eyes

At SXSW, Microsoft’s Enable Team, Paradiso and her team members showcased one of their latest 

Date: 28/03/18 Microsoft Edge now available for iPads and Android Tablets

Microsoft launched the mobile version of Edge Browser for both iOS and Android OS last year in October as beta. 

Date: 19/03/18 Google Play Store Web Update Adds New Screenshot, Review Design

Google seems to be in the process of rolling out some changes to the presentation of the web version of the Google 

Date: 17/03/18 Huawei Launches a Commercial 400G Optical Network Solution

At the Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition (OFC), Huawei officially released its latest 

Date: 16/03/18 Microsoft Bringing AI Dev Platform to Next Windows 10 Release

Microsoft is priming Windows 10 for artificial intelligence (AI) development with a new built-in machine learning

Date: 09/03/18 Google Releases Android P Developer Preview

Google has released the first developer preview of Android P, the next iteration of the company’s mobile operating 

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03 June 2024

02 06 2024