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Date: 04/02/12 'What about McDonald's in the Pentagon?: Extraordinary top secret call between FBI and Scotland Yard 'tapped' by Anonymous

A confidential call between the FBI and Scotland Yard was recorded by hacking group Anonymous - the very people they were trying to catch, it was revealed today. The group released a 15-minute tape of what appears to be a conference call last month about tracking and prosecuting the group’s members.

Date: 03/02/12 Experts praise UK's cyber defences but say more international co-operation needed to fight attacks

A new report has ranked the UK among the top nations for its ability to protect itself from cyber attack, but warned that greater international co-operation is needed. The report, by the Brussels-based Security & Defence Agenda (SDA), which was commissioned by security firm McAfee,

Date: 23/01/12 Over 9,000 interventions to hosting system of Special Security Service prevented

On 16 December 2011 from 11:30, several Azerbaijani websites encountered cyber attacks. The attacks also targeted websites hosted in the data center of the Special State Security Service with cert.gov.az domain. Due to the strong security system and quick action,

Date: 19/01/12 Virus infections stop after suspects named

One of the most common sources of computer intrusions has stopped infecting new machines after security researchers working with Facebook released the names of five suspected ringleaders. After more than two years of work, a pair of researchers on Tuesday published the names, aliases and photographs of a gang

Date: 17/01/12 Oracle plans huge security update this week

Oracle has planned a huge swathe of security updates for Tuesday this week, with 78 vulnerabilities among the hundreds of its products slated to be patched. Oracle said in a security update that vulnerabilities will be addressed in the Oracle Database Server, Fusion Middleware, E-Business suite,

Date: 16/01/12 Azerbaijan is ranked sixth among the ten countries that faced the greatest risk of infection through the Internet

Azerbaijan is ranked sixth among the ten countries that faced the greatest risk of infection through the Internet, the survey of Kaspersky Lab virus

Date: 13/01/12 Israeli hacker retaliates to credit card hacking

An Israeli hacker has published details of hundreds of Saudi credit cards online and is threatening to post more in revenge for acts by Arab hackers. Last week a hacker, claiming to be from Saudi Arabia, published information about tens of thousands of Israeli credit cards online.

Date: 13/01/12 Lawmakers press Homeland Security on Internet monitoring

Leaders of a congressional subcommittee are urging the Department of Homeland Security to extensively monitor social media sites like Twitter and Facebook to detect "current or emerging threats." The top Republican and Democrat on a House counter-terrorism subcommittee last month sent a letter

Date: 10/01/12 US, UK officials victims of hacking of US security firm Stratfor

Email addresses and passwords belonging to U.K., U.S. and North Atlantic Treaty Organization officials were posted online following the hacking of a U.S. intelligence analysis firm over Christmas, U.K. daily the Guardian reported Monday. Online "hacktivist" group Anonymous claimed via Twitter on Christmas Day

Date: 10/01/12 Symantec says hack poses no threat to its security franchise

Symantec Corp.'s Norton Antivirus software and its source code were not compromised on Thursday and fragments of the company's enterprise security program that were posted on the Internet were out of date, the software's publisher said late Friday. No Norton products or source code were the target of the attack,

Date: 09/01/12 Symantec investigating claim hackers have Norton Antivirus code

Symantec Corp. is investigating claims that hackers have acquired the source code for its Norton Antivirus software, which the hacker group threatens to release to the public at an undisclosed time. A group calling itself the Lords of Dharmaraja posted an Adobe document

Date: 26/12/11 European Network and Information Security Agency for more security responsibility for ISPs

The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) has called on European nation states to introduce incentives for ISPs to detect and clean up infected computers on their networks. This was one of several recommendations aimed at improving internet security in its report 'Economics of Security: 

Date: 26/12/11 Security researcher recommends ditching Oracle Java platform

A security expert has warned users to uninstall Oracle's Java SE platform from their machines, as the software creates too many exploitable vulnerabilities. Writing on his blog, Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at security firm F-Secure, explained that users should ditch the software unless they absolutely need it.

Date: 23/12/11 Fujitsu says possible Eurozone collapse is most obvious risk factor for 2012

As Europe's debt crisis threatens the global economic recovery, the president of Fujitsu Ltd. said he is "very concerned" about a further worsening in the region's sentiment in January, as demand for the Japanese technology firm's products and services in Germany show signs of weakening this month.

Date: 21/12/11 Azerbaijani IT company’s website attacked by hackers

Azerbaijani IT-company SayberNet restored its online resource. Its work was suspended as a result of a hacker attack, the company told. SayberNet acts as a system integrator. It was chosen as the organization which must deal with the technical construction of the "Electronic government" system.

02 June 2024

01 06 2024