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Date: 08/12/16 British scientists have created polymer for batteries of the future

A group of researchers from the UK have developed a polymeric material that can make batteries much more efficient than 

Date: 08/12/16 Qualcomm Begins Commercial Sampling of World's First 10nm Server Processor

Qualcomm Incorporated through its subsidiary, Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies, Inc., has announced commercial 

Date: 06/12/16 10 turning points of the nearest future technologies

World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council conducted a survey of 800 professionals of high technology and compiled 

Date: 05/12/16 Huawei Achieves Major Breakthrough in Graphene-Assisted High Temperature Li-ion Batteries

Huawei announced a major breakthrough in its research into Li-ion batteries, unveiling the world's first long-lifespan 

Date: 02/12/16 HandEnergy brings new twist to pocket electricity generation

A lot of mobile devices don't offer the option of swapping in a fresh battery for uninterrupted uptime. Although external USB 

Date: 29/11/16 This battery will let phones charge in seconds, last over a week

In the latest models of smartphones, we’ve seen that the battery is one of the points where manufacturers have 

Date: 24/11/16 Doppler Labs delays its futuristic augmented reality earbuds

Audio startup Doppler Labs has delayed the shipment of Here One, the wireless earbuds that can stream music and also augment the 

Date: 23/11/16 Flexible supercapacitor process brings phones that charge in seconds a step closer

Researchers from the University of Central Florida (UCF) have devised a technique for creating flexible supercapacitors that not 

Date: 21/11/16 Optalysys announces the world's first modern optical coprocessor GENESYS

The rise of high-performance computing (HPC) responds to the ever-increasing demand for more efficient and powerful processing 

Date: 18/11/16 This paper-like battery charges in one minute and lasts for 10,000 cycles

Research company ITRI has introduced an Ultrafast Rechargeable Aluminium Battery (URABat), said to be a safer and more efficient 

Date: 17/11/16 World’s First Dual SIM, Dual Mode Phone with GSM & Satellite capabilities launched

A UAE-based telecommunication company Thuraya launched world’s first dual SIM, dual mode phone. The company made satellite 

Date: 16/11/16 Google uses machine learning to upscale and enhance low quality photos

Image upscaling is often made fun of in movies and television series, for extracting impossible levels of image information from low 

Date: 15/11/16 Semiconductor-free microelectronic device allows high power

Scientists have developed the first semiconductor-free, optically-controlled microelectronic device which conducts 1,000 per cent 

Date: 11/11/16 RadarCat, product of Google's Project Soli, can identify objects as well as gestures

Researchers at the University of St Andrews located in Scotland have figured out a new way for computers to recognize different objects.

Date: 11/11/16 Camera-fingerstall allows the blind to read ordinary books

US scientists have developed a wearable device that allows blind people to read traditional paper books. 

03 June 2024

02 06 2024