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Date: 16/03/16 China develops desert robots to monitor sandstorm

Chinese scientists have developed two specialized robots that will record sand and dust levels related to desertification 

Date: 14/03/16 Meta-skin could lead to invisibility cloak

Iowa State University engineers have created a flexible, tunable “meta-skin,” a material that uses rows of liquid-metal devices to cloak an object from radar detection.

Date: 14/03/16 Experiment shows magnetic chips could dramatically increase computing's energy efficiency

In a breakthrough for energy-efficient computing, researchers have shown for the first time that magnetic chips can operate 

Date: 10/03/16 Researchers develop bionic 'fingertip' to enable amputee to 'feel' surfaces

Researchers have created an artificial fingertip that can be surgically connected to nerves in the upper arm that amputees can use to feel relative roughness or smoothness. In early testing,

Date: 09/03/16 Scientists discover how to ‘upload knowledge to your brain’

Researchers from HRL Laboratories, based in California, say they have found a way to amplify learning, only on a much smaller scale 

Date: 09/03/16 MIT's newest quantum computer puts us one step closer to defeating modern encryption

Computer scientists from MIT and the University of Innsbruck in Austria have developed the first ever five-atom quantum computer

Date: 09/03/16 MIT's newest quantum computer puts us one step closer to defeating modern encryption

Computer scientists from MIT and the University of Innsbruck in Austria have developed the first ever five-atom quantum computer, which could one day factor any number and enable it to easily break RSA encryption.

Date: 07/03/16 New generation SD cards to support 3D, 8K and 360 degree video

The SD Association has launched its fastest speed class – Video Speed Class, which also delivers real-time multi-file recording and support 

Date: 05/03/16 Scientists suggest new 'Nuclear Battery' concept

Experts of the National University of Science and Technology MISiS in Moscow have developed a new technology for making "nuclear batteries" 

Date: 04/03/16 Flexible solar cells as light as soap bubbles developed

MIT scientists have developed the thinnest, lightest flexible solar cells ever produced that could be placed on almost any material or surface, 

Date: 03/03/16 Scanning laser eyewear projects images directly onto your retina

Japanese companyQD Laser Inc has developed a prototype of glasses using retinal scanning laser eyewear technology, 

Date: 03/03/16 Scientists have developed the world’s first living, breathing supercomputer

Conventional supercomputers can perform amazing, almost unimaginably complex calculations – but they’re expensive, 

Date: 02/03/16 WiGig Spot technology from Panasonic allows downloading a movie in 10 seconds

Panasonic has introduced a new wireless technology WiGig Spot, capable of transmitting data at speeds 10 times higher 

Date: 02/03/16 Vivo's new Xplay 5 Elite launches with 6GB of RAM

Vivo launched two new phones in China, namely the Xplay 5 Elite and the Xplay 5. The Elite seems to be the most interesting 

Date: 29/02/16 Kyocera demoes new solar-powered smartphone prototype

One year ago, Japanese manufacturer Kyocera issued a press release informing the industry that it will showcase a prototype 

02 June 2024

01 06 2024