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Date: 17/05/19 Event to be held in connection with World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

May 17 is celebrated as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) in accordance with

Date: 17/05/19 Flying cars mooted for Paris’ public transport network

European aerospace giant Airbus and Paris underground operator RATP will study the viability of adding flying

Date: 17/05/19 Sony and Microsoft to Collaborate on Cloud-Based Game Streaming

Sony and Microsoft are partnering on “new innovations to enhance customer experiences in their direct-to-consumer

Date: 17/05/19 LG develops AI chip for home appliances

LG has developed its own artificial intelligence (AI) chip for use in home appliances such as robot cleaners, the 

Date: 17/05/19 Japan is running out of phone numbers

We've reached the point where we're running out of 11-digit phone numbers. Japan plans to release 10-billion 

Date: 17/05/19 Huawei’s Mate 20 X 5G makes it to the UK with June Availability

Huawei had first announced the Mate 20 X 5G model back in February. The phone made it to Switzerland a couple

Date: 17/05/19 Instagram To Shut Down Direct Messaging App

Instagram is shutting down its standalone ‘Direct’ messaging application. Launched in December 2017, Instagram’s

Date: 17/05/19 WhatsApp users face another phishing attack

Users of WhatsApp messenger are facing another phishing attack. As reported in a press release received by the

Date: 16/05/19 IDC Forecasts Worldwide Semiconductor Revenue to Decline by 7.2% in 2019

After three consecutive years of growth, with year-over-year growth of 13.2% in 2018, the latest update to the

Date: 16/05/19 SanDisk’s First 1TB MicroSD Card Now Available For Purchase

The march of technological process stops for no one. Not only have prices for microSD cards fallen significantly

Date: 16/05/19 Hisense allegedly patents a true camera/phone hybrid

Hisense has reportedly filed a patent for a device that looks like a conventional camera on one side and a phone

Date: 16/05/19 Google Translate is getting its most important update in years

Google Translate's camera translation feature sounds very futuristic on paper, but in practice—so far, at least

Date: 16/05/19 ZombieLoad attack lets hackers steal data from Intel chips

A newly discovered security flaw in Intel processors allows attackers to steal any data that’s been recently accessed 

Date: 16/05/19 Worldwide spending on telecom and pay TV services will reach nearly $1.7 billion in 2023

Worldwide spending on telecom services and pay TV services totaled $1.6 billion in 2018, reflecting an increase

Date: 16/05/19 Microsoft Patches ‘Wormable’ Flaw in Windows XP, 7 and Windows 2003

Microsoft is taking the unusual step of releasing security updates for unsupported but still widely-used Windows

02 June 2024

01 06 2024