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Date: 03/11/16 The smallest computer ever is less than 50 nanometres on each side

While the trend for miniaturisation in consumer technology has been halted in recent years with the rise of the 'phablet', the internal 

Date: 03/11/16 Nanobionic spinach plants can detect explosives

Forget bomb-sniffing dogs, we can now use spinach to detect explosives.

Date: 02/11/16 Google launches Tango AR smartphone system

After more than two years of tinkering and finessing, today Google finally officially launched its Tango smartphone augmented reality system to the masses.

Date: 02/11/16 InstruMMents 01 uses a laser to make digital measurements

01 is a measuring device unlike anything you’ve seen before. 

Date: 02/11/16 UPenn students 3D-printed the world's smallest self-powered drone

Students at the University of Pennsylvania have created what they believe to be the world’s smallest self-powered drone.

Date: 02/11/16 Horus wearable helps the blind navigate, remember faces and read books

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the god Horus was said to have lost his eye in a fight, before having it restored by another god.

Date: 01/11/16 Windows 10 gets more social with “My People,” a taskbar feature focused on sharing, communication

Microsoft’s next version of its Windows 10 operating system, the Creator’s Update announced this morning, is about to get a lot more social. 

Date: 01/11/16 Scientists create robot that devours living organisms

The researchers hope that the robot will be used in water pollution.

Date: 01/11/16 Engineers have found a way to double the lifespan of a battery

Americans waste up to $19 billion annually in electricity costs due to "vampire appliances," always-on digital devices in the home that suck power even when they are turned off.

Date: 31/10/16 Gesture sensor will offer touch-free gadget control

No doubt at some point in life you've needed to control a device while keeping your hands free or while keeping your dirty or wet hands clear of your expensive tech.

Date: 31/10/16 Facebook app update causes iPhone crashes

So far, the models that have been reported to be affected by the issue are the iPhone SE and the iPhone 6s.

Date: 31/10/16 Mastercard and BMO make fingerprint and ‘selfie’ payment technology a reality in North America

Mastercard has announced the North American rollout of Identity Check Mobile™, a new payment technology application that uses fingerprint and facial recognition, to verify a cardholder’s identity and simplify online shopping.

Date: 31/10/16 Smartphone app detects heart attacks

A smartphone application developed by researchers at the University of Turku (Finland) can detect myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack.

Date: 29/10/16 Google's neural network learns to encrypt its own messages

Researchers from the Google Brain deep learning project have already taught AI systems to make trippy works of art, but now they're moving on to something potentially darker:

Date: 29/10/16 New transistor could let devices run on practically no battery

A new transistor design out of the University of Cambridge could allow electronic devices to function for months or even years without a battery charge—or even a battery

03 June 2024

02 06 2024