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Date: 29/09/16 Secure passwords can be sent through your body, instead of air

Sending a password or secret code over airborne radio waves like WiFi or Bluetooth means anyone can eavesdrop, making those 

Date: 29/09/16 Google announces Neural Machine Translation

Google has announced an improvement to Google Translate, which uses neural network technology to improve the process of machine 

Date: 29/09/16 BlackBerry says it will stop making smartphones

BlackBerry plans to stop making its signature smartphones internally, signaling a strategic shift for a company that built its reputation 

Date: 29/09/16 AI Partnership Launched by Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM, and Microsoft

Five tech giants announced on Wednesday that they are launching a nonprofit to “advance public understanding” of artificial 

Date: 28/09/16 New YouTube Go app lets you watch videos offline

Active users of mobile devices connecting to wireless networks is quite long dreamed about the appearance of two things: 

Date: 27/09/16 Google celebrates its 18th birthday

Google is officially an adult, or so the latest Google doodle says. The search giant is celebrating its 18th birthday today, and not 

Date: 27/09/16 China begins operating world's largest radio telescope

The world's largest radio telescope began searching for signals from stars and galaxies and, perhaps, extraterrestrial life 

Date: 27/09/16 Skulpt measures muscle quality and fat levels in an instant

If you're looking to go beyond the standard fitness tracker, there are a growing number of specialist devices now available for quantifying 

Date: 24/09/16 This new light system shines as bright as 21,700 suns

Researchers from Europe have developed a solar simulator that replicates the heat and light of the sun’s radiation—and then some. The system, with a luminous flux equivalent to over 20,000 suns, is being used to test various materials in extreme conditions.

Date: 23/09/16 Artificial intelligence will destroy mankind by 2075

Scientists have discovered a new threat to the existence of terrestrial civilization. This is an artificial intelligence that can completely 

Date: 22/09/16 DistractaGone wants to put smartphone addicts in time out

Smartphone addiction is a growing problem that often interferes with our personal and professional lives. 

Date: 22/09/16 Artificial intelligence from Microsoft will help to treat cancer

Microsoft has unveiled Project Hanover, an effort to use AI for both understanding and treating cancers. To begin with, the company 

Date: 22/09/16 MIT 'radio' uses wireless signals to identify emotions

You can lie to your partner, your best friends and even your mom, but you can't lie to EQ-Radio. It's a device out of MIT"s Computer 

Date: 22/09/16 EU unveils new plan to scrap mobile roaming charges

The European Union's executive arm unveiled new plans Wednesday aimed at ending costly mobile phone roaming charges 

Date: 21/09/16 Windows 10 nears 25% market share

Some good news for Microsoft. The company’s latest operating system, Windows 10, keeps on growing at a respectable pace, even 

02 June 2024

01 06 2024