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Date: 09/02/16 New NASA spacecraft runs on light

In 2018, a small space probe will unfurl a sail and begin a journey to a distant asteroid. It’s the first NASA spacecraft that will venture beyond Earth’s orbit propelled entirely by sunlight. 

Date: 05/02/16 200 people win national intellectual online contest ‘I am Azerbaijani’

So far, 200 people have won the national intellectual online contest “I am Azerbaijani” held with the support of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies

Date: 04/02/16 Lotfi Zadeh turns 95

Today Lotfi Zadeh, world-famous Azerbaijani scientist, who is an example for each young scientist, known in the world and loved in Azerbaijan, turns 95.

Date: 03/02/16 Teenager Has Epilepsy Cured After Robot Creates ‘Sat Nav’ Of His Brain

A teenage boy who suffered daily seizures for seven years has had his epilepsy cured after doctors used a robot to create a ‘sat nav’ of his brain.

Date: 02/02/16 Driverless bus trial in Netherlands is first on public roads

An electric, driverless shuttle bus will take to the Dutch public roads on Thursday, rolling six passengers along a 200 meter (yard) stretch of road in the first trial of its kind worldwide.

Date: 27/01/16 Amphibious drone demonstrated at ‘The UAE Drones for Good Award’ competition

Specialists of Oakland University (Michigan, USA) demonstrated an amphibious Loon Copter drone at “The UAE Drones for Good Award” competition held in the United Arab Emirates. 

Date: 27/01/16 Japanese police will make 3D-pictures of suspects

Face Detection Technology beginning to be applied in the work of law enforcement agencies increasingly. 

Date: 25/01/16 Japan starts construction of floating solar power plant

Japanese electronics manufacturer Kyocera Corporation announced the start of construction of the world’s largest floating solar power plant.

Date: 24/12/15 NASA calls off Mars mission

NASA is calling off its next mission to Mars because there isn't enough time to fix a leaky seal on a key science instrument.

Date: 17/12/15 Court blocks WhatsApp Brazil message service for 48 hours

Access in Brazil to the WhatsApp phone-messaging application was cut off early on Thursday after a Brazilian judge told local phone companies to block the popular service for 48 hours for failure to comply with a July court order in a criminal case.

Date: 16/12/15 The number of billionaires in the world in 20 years has grown in 5 times

The number of billionaires in the world in twenty years has increased by 4.76 times, to 1,347 people. About it reports Rambler News Service with reference to the joint report by UBS and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC).

Date: 15/12/15 Single database on Azerbaijan’s children to be created

The State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan is creating a website for the database on country’s children.

Date: 15/12/15 Azerbaijani young people can apply for education in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology has announced the acceptance of foreign students to the university in various specialties for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Date: 08/12/15 Social network for school communities created in Azerbaijan

A social network for school communities has been created in Azerbaijan.

Date: 02/10/14 Azerbaijan improves its position in WEF Competitiveness Report

 WEF Competitiveness Report notices the improvements in the availability of latest technologies in Azerbaijan

02 June 2024

01 06 2024