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Date: 10/02/12 Aztelekom shows green light to Azerpocht

Aztelecom PU is continuing the implementation of the “Optical Cable to All Villages” project. A number of works have already been completed within the project. Thus, the first stage of works ended with launching 25,000 ports in 20 regions. Now, Aztelecom together with some private providers are building

Date: 10/02/12 Baku Telephone Communication PU increases number of CDMA base stations

At present, Baku Telephone Communication Production Unit (BTCPU) is implementing measures towards increasing the number of base stations of non-sim CDMA service, told İCTnews head of CDMA Service Department of BTCPU, Murad Chabrailov. According to him, during the second half of 2011,

Date: 08/02/12 MCIT and B&BTV has signed an agreement

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies has signed a preliminary agreement to introduce digital television in Azerbaijan, head of the company B&BTV Communications Sabina Babayeva told. Ms Babayeva said under the contract,

Date: 07/02/12 “Aztelekom” Production Union to deploy a 3G network in the CDMA standard

The Aztelekom Production Union plans to deploy a 3G network in the CDMA standard, Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies informed. The goal is to provide subscribers with a more expanded list of services, one of which will be data transmission services.

Date: 07/02/12 Azerbaijan becomes a member of “COPUOS” (United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space)

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies consistently and successfully implements measures envisaged in the State Program

Date: 01/02/12 Azerbaijani ministry gets additional privileges on Eurovision 2012

The Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers permitted to conclude direct contracts between the communication and information technology ministry's

Date: 01/02/12 «Aztelekom» builds new electronic stations in regions

«Aztelekom» PA has built and put new EATSs into operation in a number of regions in order to fulfill the demand of villagers for telephone communication services. New EATSs have been built and put into operation in 40 residential areas of Agsu, Agdam, Kurdamir, Barda,

Date: 01/02/12 New electronic stations to be built in liberated villages of Fizuli region

New electronic stations will be built in Fizuli region’s villages liberated from arminian occupation. “Aztelekom” PA reported that according to the action plan, all houses in Gazakhlar, Mirzanagili and Alikhanli villages will be provided with the telephone and broadband internet services.

Date: 01/02/12 Introduction of ONU technologies in Baku Telephone Communication Network expanded

There are 778,000 subscribers of the telephone communication network in Baku now. Over the last few years the “Baku Telephone Communication” Production Association has conducted reconstruction of the Baku Telephone Network with introduction of new technologies.

Date: 26/01/12 New stations to be built in Apsheron

“Aztelekom” Production Association expands the introduction of new technologies in order to rise quality of the communication services rendered to the residents of Apsheron. In connection with this, the Apsheron Telecommunication Hub started the

Date: 26/01/12 Broadband Internet in Azerbaijan to extinguish satellite antennas

The development of broadband Internet and the provision of radio and television services based on it will lead to the inevitability of

Date: 26/01/12 State operator in Azerbaijan announces tender for purchase of telecommunication equipment

Production Association (PA) Aztelekom of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan announced a tender for the purchase of telecommunication equipment for the international telephone station, tender commission of PA said on Wednesday.

Date: 24/01/12 Important tasks to be fulfilled by the Ministry of Communication and IT in 2012

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies successfully accomplished the last 2011 year,

Date: 24/01/12 Development of nanotechnology is accelerated in Azerbaijan

Works are being implemented in the country for acquisition of nanotechnology products and their practical application. Last year the High Technology Research Center of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies purchased nanomaterials,

Date: 23/01/12 Azerbaijani state operator to provide communication for Eurovision-2012

Production Association Baku Telephone Communications of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan

02 June 2024

01 06 2024