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Date: 16/01/12 Women's internet-cafe opens in Baku

An internet-café for women is functioning near Ganjlik underground in Baku.According to, the club provides its services from 9.00 until 20.00. The computers are controlled in the internet-café and access to some of the websites, including pornographic, is blocked.

Date: 13/01/12 Internet revolution dawns with .yournamehere domains

A quiet Internet revolution begins on Thursday. Organizations can begin applying to name and run their own domains instead of entrusting them to the operators of .com, .org, .gov and others. Up to 2,000 applications are expected to be made to ICANN,

Date: 13/01/12 Author of U.S. online piracy bill vows not to buckle

The lawmaker behind a bill to combat online piracy vowed on Thursday to press ahead in the face of fierce criticism from Internet giants such as Google and Facebook. "It is amazing to me that the opponents apparently don't want to protect American consumers and businesses,"

Date: 13/01/12 US Federal Communications Commission sees support for incentive auctions of wireless spectrum

Julius Genachowski, the top U.S. telecommunications regulator, said on Wednesday that he has received bi-partisan support from a group of U.S. senators for so-called "incentive" auctions of wireless spectrum without legislative restrictions. Genachowski, chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission,

Date: 13/01/12 Web domains to get major overhaul with custom names

Applications will soon open for new top-level domains in the biggest change to the system in over two decades. From Thursday it will be possible to register almost any word as a web address suffix. Familiar endings like .com and .org could potentially be joined by the likes of .pepsi, .virgin or .itv.

Date: 12/01/12 High speed internet network was created in Ganja

“The number of internet users is increasing rapidly in Ganja city”, told us the head Ganja TKU, Ali Huseynov. “The increase is a result of renewal of stations with NGN technologies and abolition of analog ATS. Equal conditions were created for all internet providers.

Date: 12/01/12 Internet kiosks to be installed in regional post offices

International non-commercial organisation IREX began to install Internet kiosks in some regions of Azerbaijan. The project is being carried out with the assistance of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan and postal operator Ltd Azerpoct.

Date: 11/01/12 Google to help South Korea start-ups

South Korea's telecommunications regulator said Tuesday it had signed an agreement with Google Inc. for the Internet giant to help nurture local start-ups and promote their advances into overseas markets. Under the memorandum of understanding, Google will help develop ideas and services and provide

Date: 11/01/12 Deutsche Telekom, Groupon to cooperate in mobile Web services

Deutsche Telekom AG and online discounter Groupon Inc confirmed Tuesday they have entered a partnership to jointly accelerate the growth in mobile internet services. Groupon will provide coupons for several European subsidiaries of Deutsche Telekom that will be available to mobile users, the companies

Date: 11/01/12 Google ties social service closer to search

Google Inc. said Tuesday it has further tied its relatively young social-networking service to its dominant search engine, underlining the importance of the Google+ effort to the technology giant under the leadership of Chief Executive Larry Page.

Date: 11/01/12 50 more schools connected to high speed internet

About 1,000 schools have been connected to the internet in Azerbaijan so far. This figure was achieved after connecting 500 more schools to the broadband internet by the end of last year. According to information provided by The Education Ministry,

Date: 10/01/12 US explains foreign policy to Twitter followers

The U.S. State Department on Friday launched a new high-tech form of outreach to the international community when it took questions on foreign policy from Twitter followers in different languages. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland answered a number of tweets

Date: 10/01/12 Sprint says it only limits users that hinder network

Sprint Nextel Corp. on Friday said it doesn't limit data access for contract customers, except when their use interferes with network quality or violates standard contract terms, clarifying comments made Thursday by Chief Executive Dan Hesse at an investor conference.

Date: 10/01/12 European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association sees EU telco revenue falling 2%

European Union member states must boost investment in telecoms, an industry body has said after revealing that revenue in the sector is expected to have declined for another year, as users switch to services such as Skype to make calls, hurting revenue from fixed-line services.

Date: 10/01/12 Video streaming Website Netflix launches in UK

Video streaming Website Netflix made its U.K. debut on Monday, offering consumers access to its catalogue of TV and film content for £5.99 per month. The U.S.-based company, which boasts more than 20 million customers in 47 markets,

03 June 2024

02 06 2024