bölmədə 658 material var

Date: 02/04/18 Fire alarm wallpaper detects, resists, and warns of house fires

Researchers have designed a "fire alarm wallpaper" made of environmentally friendly, nonflammable materials

Date: 30/03/18 IBM’s New Computer Is the Size of a Grain of Salt and Costs Less Than 10 Cents

The miniaturization of electronics has been progressing steadily for decades, but IBM just took a major 

Date: 28/03/18 Researchers Edge Closer Toward Terahertz Computer Chips

Physicist Dr. Uriel Levy and his team at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) have created a major breakthrough

Date: 23/02/18 Scientists Create Solar Reactor That Can Run at Night

For the first time ever, scientists may be able to create solar fuels even after the Sun goes down.

Date: 22/02/18 New laser system can remotely charge your smartphone

Scientists, including those of Indian origin, have developed a laser emitter that can safely charge a 

Date: 20/02/18 Breakthrough invention creates electricity from daily temperature swings

Thermoelectric devices, which can generate power when one side of the device is a different temperature 

Date: 20/02/18 Samsung patents a flying display that’s controlled by your eyes

Samsung’s latest patent is for a drone with an integrated display that’s able to detect the face and pupils of 

Date: 19/02/18 Japan develops ultrathin elastic display

Palm reading could take on a whole new meaning thanks to a new invention from Japan

Date: 19/02/18 Japanese scientist creates a twin-robot

Japanese scientist Hiroshi Ishiguro created a twin-robot

Date: 19/02/18 MIT’s new chip could bring neural nets to battery-powered gadgets

MIT researchers have developed a chip designed to speed up the hard work of running neural networks

Date: 16/02/18 New desalination membrane produces both drinking water and lithium

Seawater is a complex cocktail of useful minerals, but it's hard to separate out the specific ones we need. Now, a team 

Date: 15/02/18 AI Smartphones Will Soon Be Standard, Thanks to Machine Learning Chip

Today, smartphones that use machine learning depend on cloud servers, which limits how information is processed

Date: 13/02/18 New DNA nanorobots successfully target and kill off cancerous tumors

Science fiction no more — in an article out today in Nature Biotechnology, scientists were able to show tiny autonomous 

Date: 13/02/18 Scientists develop Terminator-style electronic SKIN that can repair itself

A Terminator-style electronic skin that repairs itself just like the film's main villain is has been developed by scientists.

Date: 12/02/18 New “4D goggles” allow wearers to experience objects from video content

Scientists have developed ‘4D goggles’ that allow wearers to be physically ‘touched’ by a movie when they see a looming

02 June 2024

01 06 2024