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Date: 19/01/18 Huawei Teases Fast Charging Tech Again, Charges Battery 48 Percent in 5 Minutes

Huawei has put out a new video teasing its next-gen technology for fast charging. The new technology - developed 

Date: 08/01/18 Samsung Exynos 9810 SoC Launched With AI Features, Better Face Recognition Capabilities

Samsung on Thursday, ahead of CES 2018, announced the new Exynos 9 Series 9810 SoC built on its second-generation 10nm FinFET process technology.

Date: 29/12/17 A New Implant Heals Broken Legs by Transforming into Real Bone

When a bone breaks, medical devices and objects like screws and pins are often used to hold the pieces together while 

Date: 26/12/17 Elroy Air’s “Aluminum Falcon” VTOL Drone Can Carry Up to 150 Pounds

Elroy Air, a San Francisco, California-based drone start-up company announced Friday that it has raised $4.6 million 

Date: 22/12/17 Apollo is the “World’s First USB-C Power Bank” to recharge in just 20 minutes

Power banks are great for those times we need to stay juiced up when we’re out and about. But what about remembering 

Date: 15/12/17 Japanese scientists develop self-healing glass

Japanese researchers say they have developed a type of glass that can be repaired without heating.

Date: 04/12/17 Researchers print “living materials” with bacteria-loaded inks

Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) have developed a biocompatible 

Date: 30/11/17 New 3D Printer Technology Boosts Speed By 10x

Despite the 3D printing revolution shaking up the design and manufacturing industries, one thing has been holding 

Date: 29/11/17 Google AI tech alerts you when strangers peek at your phone

Google researchers have built an app that can catch people when they try to stare at your phone screen without you 

Date: 24/11/17 Physicists Quantum Entangle Silicon Devices to Send Information Over a 20-Centimeter Distance

In the science of quantum communication, the challenge has always been prolonging the entangled state that the 

Date: 14/11/17 Researchers Design Solar Cells That Charge Phones With Ambient Light

Ambient light may be all you need to charge your phone. Small, thin and flexible panels created with an inkjet printer 

Date: 11/11/17 Samsung Exynos 9 Series 9810 SoC Launched, Based on 10nm FinFET Process

Samsung has announced a new flagship mobile processor in the Exynos 9 series, built on the 10nm 

Date: 03/11/17 Storing Data in Clothes Invisibly, Without Using Electronics

The UW computer scientists have created fabrics and fashion accessories that can store data — from security codes 

Date: 31/10/17 Twisted light could make wireless data faster than fiber

As fast as fiber optic lines have become, they're still hamstrung by one key limitation: you still need to transmit that 

Date: 31/10/17 Transparent Solar Panels Could Harvest Energy From Windows And Eventually Replace Fossil Fuels

A new generation of see-through solar cell technology could soon be used to harvest the massive energy potential 

02 June 2024

01 06 2024