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Date: 20/07/19 MTCHT switches to enhanced working mode in connection with XV Summer European Youth Olympic Festival

As is known, the XV Summer European Youth Olympic Festival “Baku-2019” will be held in Baku from July 21-27.

Date: 22/07/19 This New Virtual Reality Glove Lets You Grab Digital Objects

Our squishy human brains are notoriously easy to fool. Whether it’s optical illusions or more advanced trickery,

Date: 22/07/19 Scientists Create A Device That Can Generate Power From The Human Knee

A new invention offers a peek of the potential future when just walking could be enough to generate energy for

Date: 22/07/19 Huawei Says Its New OS Isn’t an Android Replacement

Huawei board member and Senior Vice President Catherine Chen said in a Brussels meeting on Thursday that the

Date: 19/07/19 Businesses in UK offered £3m to boost local grid efficiency

Businesses in the UK are being invited to apply for a share of £3 million to develop technology components that 

Date: 18/07/19 Startup and Innovation Panel held within SummerFest

A Startup and Innovation Panel was held within the framework of SummerFest, which was jointly organized by the 

Date: 19/07/19 200 times faster than ever before: The speediest quantum operation yet

A group of scientists led by 2018 Australian of the Year Professor Michelle Simmons has achieved the first two-qubit

Date: 19/07/19 Japan urges G-7 to think beyond existing rules in dealing with Libra

Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso on Wednesday urged his G-7 counterparts to make a comprehensive assessment 

Date: 19/07/19 Instagram hides likes count in international test ‘to remove pressure’

Instagram is hiding the number of likes on posts in several countries, including Australia and Japan, in order 

Date: 19/07/19 First batch of 5G phones get quality certification in China

The battle over 5G smartphones has intensified in China, with the first batch of eight 5G phone models having

Date: 18/07/19 Azerbaijani delegation led by Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Ramin Guluzade visits Iran

The 25th Iran International Electronic, Computer & E-Commerce Exhibition (Elecomp-2019) started today in the

Date: 18/07/19 Bluetooth Bug Enables Tracking on Windows 10, iOS & macOS Devices

A team of Boston University researchers has discovered a vulnerability in several modern, high-profile Bluetooth 

Date: 18/07/19 First Deputy Minister receives citizens in Goygol

Today, the First Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Ali Abdullayev received

Date: 18/07/19 Samsung to mass produce high-speed 12GB LPDDR5 RAMs for 5G Flagships

12GB RAMs have become a norm among top-end flagships this year. However, all of the current 12GB RAM 

Date: 18/07/19 Elon Musk unveils plan to build mind-reading implants

Elon Musk’s secretive “brain-machine interface” startup, Neuralink, stepped out of the shadows on Tuesday evening,

02 June 2024

01 06 2024