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Date: 27/01/17 Cybersecurity will be one of the central issues at CeBIT

The transformative power of digitalisation is the theme this year at CeBIT, the world’s largest technology trade fair.

Date: 27/01/17 Scientists create 3D bioprinter which can print functional human skin

Scientists from Spain have developed a prototype for a 3D bioprinter that can print functional human skin. They say the 3D 

Date: 27/01/17 Global Smartphone Production Volume Totaled 1.36 Billion Units

The global smartphone production volume for 2016 grew 4.7% annually to reach 1.36 billion units in total, according to market 

Date: 26/01/17 British scientists create a £38 million 'super laser' that is 10 TIMES more powerful than any other of its kind

Scientists say they've successfully tested a new US$48 million 'super laser', and they’re claiming it’s 10 times more powerful 

Date: 26/01/17 Sola wireless headphones feature integrated solar charger

Wireless earbuds have their benefits, but prolonged usage isn’t one of them. These type of headphones usually last somewhere 

Date: 26/01/17 Moderate amounts of screen time may not be bad for teenagers’ well-being

While a lot has been said by scientists and paediatricians about the possible dangers of teenagers spending time on digital 

Date: 26/01/17 Instagram launches the online broadcasts

In November last year, the developers of the popular service for sharing photos and videos Instagram has announced the 

Date: 25/01/17 Google’s AI is Learning to Make Other AI

Imagine the conflicted feelings of the machine learning expert who is creating artificial intelligence (AI) that they know will 

Date: 25/01/17 Nokia Heart will be another ‘low-coster’ from the Finnish brand

Nokia looks set to continue its run of releasing new devices with its first smartphone running Android Nougat.

Date: 25/01/17 The new version of WhatsApp with support for offline mode and ability to send up to 30 photos

The creators of WhatsApp announced an update of the iOS app with three new features. In the app added support for offline 

Date: 25/01/17 Windows 10 Creators Update To Get New Security Center

Microsoft is releasing a new security app called Windows Defender Security Center to house all Windows 10 security settings, 

Date: 24/01/17 Mac sales declined nearly 10% last year

It’s not surprising that Mac sales dropped for Apple in 2016 as they experienced their first year over year sales decline since 2001. 

Date: 24/01/17 Ugandan engineers invent 'smart jacket' to diagnose pneumonia

A team of Ugandan engineers has invented a "smart jacket" that can diagnose pneumonia faster than a doctor, offering hope 

Date: 24/01/17 German scientists create the first artificial atom in space

The MAIUS 1 (Matter-Wave Interferometry in Microgravity) experiment could be described as one of the most complex 

Date: 24/01/17 Chip-sized, high-speed terahertz modulator raises possibility of faster data transmission

Tufts University engineers have invented a chip-sized, high-speed modulator that operates at terahertz (THz) frequencies and 

02 June 2024

01 06 2024