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Date: 15/11/16 HP announced a “killer” Mac mini – laptop Mini Z2, with a record performance

HP has decided not to lag behind competitors and announced its version of the Mac mini. New workstation in a form factor 

Date: 15/11/16 WhatsApp video calling comes on Android, iOS and Windows 10 platform

WhatsApp, the massively popular messaging app owned by FacebookInc., is adding video calling to its smart phone app across three 

Date: 15/11/16 New fast call function added to Skype for Android

Recently, Microsoft has paid much attention to the development of corporate service Skype. The next version update for Android includes 

Date: 14/11/16 Facebook Messenger launches its public group chat feature “Rooms” in select markets

If you’ve ever felt the need to start chatting with random strangers online, Facebook has a new feature

Date: 14/11/16 Expect new iPads in March with 'borderless' screens

Apple is preparing new iPads for a launch in March, Barclays analysts Blayne Curtis and Christopher Hemmelgarn wrote in a note distributed to clients on Friday.

Date: 14/11/16 Developing countries will face an unemployment crisis as robots could take two-thirds of their jobs, UN report warns

A recent study from the United Nations showed that robot labour has been taking over a majority of industry jobs worldwide. 

Date: 12/11/16 WhatsApp is rolling out two-factor authentication

The rollout of two-factor authentication for the popular messaging app, WhatsApp, has taken some time to arrive, but now it’s finally here.

Date: 12/11/16 Smartphones will charge faster

Qualcomm's Snapdragon 830 is just around the corner and it will support fast charging speeds of 28W. 

Date: 11/11/16 YouTube launches VR App for Daydream View

YouTube has announced the launch of its new stand-alone VR app for the Daydream View headset. 

Date: 10/11/16 Galaxy S8 expected to get larger displays to attract Note fans

Samsung will give its next-generation Galaxy S8 series larger displays in an effort to appease Galaxy Note fans, according to a new 

Date: 10/11/16 Windows 7 gains more new users than Windows 10

When Microsoft launched Windows 10 in 2015, the company made no secret of its aspirations to distribute the operating system 

Date: 10/11/16 Apple launches Support App for iPhone and iPad users

Apple looks to be in the process of introducing Support, its new iOS app that helps users find handy support articles as well as 

Date: 10/11/16 Lipreading robot proves MORE accurate than a human in deciphering speech

Machines have already surpassed humans when it comes to mundane tasks such as number crunching and filing, but now they 

Date: 10/11/16 Google ranked first in the ranking of the most popular sites of the planet

The company Alexa, which is the world’s leading analysts, has compiled a list of the 500 most visited websites in the world. 

Date: 10/11/16 New robot can operate on eyes with more accuracy than a human surgeon

"Axsis, a system developed by the UK-based Cambridge Consultants, is a small, teleoperated robot with two arms tipped with tiny pincers. 

02 June 2024

01 06 2024