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Date: 22/04/16 Chemists create battery technology with off-the-charts charging capacity

University of California, Irvine researchers have invented nanowire-based battery material that can be recharged hundreds of thousands 

Date: 22/04/16 Xbox 360 games console discontinued by Microsoft

Microsoft has announced the discontinuation of the Xbox 360 console, which originally went on sale in November 2005. 

Date: 21/04/16 Artificial intelligence finds cancer cells more efficiently

Scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have developed a new technique for identifying cancer cells in blood 

Date: 20/04/16 Viber gets end-to-end encryption

Viber is joining WhatsApp and Apple and rolls out end-to-end encryption for its application. So, from now on, one-to-one 

Date: 20/04/16 Snake-like robots engineered for subsea maintenance

A private enterprise founded by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has signed 

Date: 19/04/16 Researchers double Wi-Fi broadband while halving chip size

The researchers at Columbia Engineering invented a new technology they call “full-duplex radio integrated circuits” which 

Date: 16/04/16 New wheelchair gives paralyzed veterans chance to stand on own

The Minneapolis VA hospital has revamped the traditional standing wheelchair to help make paralyzed veterans more functional 

Date: 15/04/16 Japan to propose basic rules for AI research at G-7 meeting

The government plans to propose basic rules for the research and development of artificial intelligence at a Group of Seven meeting 

Date: 15/04/16 GE opens additive manufacturing facility in Pittsburgh, creates 50 new jobs

General Electric (GE)  has opened a new additive manufacturing facility near Pittsburgh, PA. The Center for Additive Technology 

Date: 15/04/16 Paralyzed man regains hand movement using own brain signals

A quadriplegic man has been able to move his fingers, hand and wrist after having a tiny computer chip implanted in his brain. 

Date: 14/04/16 Introducing carbyne — a material stronger than graphene

A form of carbon, called carbyne, has successfully been stabilized in the laboratory. The research team behind the feat have 

Date: 14/04/16 Sharp to release RoBoHoN mobile robotic phone

Sharp Corporation will release RoBoHoN, a small and easily portable robot-shaped phone.

Date: 13/04/16 Starhub, Huawei achieve indoor 4G speeds of 1Gbps

StarHub says it has achieved 4G speeds of 1Gbps, currently the world’s fastest 4G speeds indoors, through a collaboration 

Date: 12/04/16 Tourists in Japan to use fingerprints as 'currency' instead of cash

Tourists visiting Japan won't need to change their money up as the country plans to introduce fingerprint currency.

Date: 11/04/16 Researchers store images in DNA, search for and perfectly retrieve them

A team at the University of Washington has just moved DNA data storage forward a significant step by making the data stored 

02 June 2024

01 06 2024