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Date: 13/10/11 Bilateral cooperation in the field of ICT discussed within the frameworks of Azerbaijani-Austrian business-forum

An Azerbaijan-Austrian business forum was held yesterday in Baku by the organization of Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Fund (AZPROMO). The business-forum was held within the framework of Austrian President Heinz Fischer `s visit to Azerbaijan.

Date: 13/10/11 Pos-terminals network widened in Baku

Nearly 11,000 POS-terminals were installed in Baku within the last 6 months, so the number of POS-terminals in the capital exceeds 13,000. “If above 2,000 POS-terminals have been installed on Baku before the last 6 months, now this number exceeds 13,000”, said Minister of Taxes Fazil Mammadov.

Date: 11/10/11 Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population implements e-document management system

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Azerbaijan has announced the completion of the work on the introduction of electronic document management system in its central office. The system was introduced in the Ministry’s functional services - the State Labor Inspection Service,

Date: 10/10/11 Azerbaijan to shift to electronic registration of real estate

Azerbaijan will shift to providing e-services in the field of cadastre and real estate registration in the near future, Chairman of the State Property Committee Kerem Hasanov said in Baku at an international scientific-practical conference titled

Date: 10/10/11 World Bank recommends Azerbaijan to speed up e-service introduction in real estate

The World Bank (WB) recommends the Government of Azerbaijan to develop relationships with the private sector in the sphere of real estate registration and management, WB chief specialist on property management Johan de Yong said in Baku on Thursday at an international scientific-practical conference titled

Date: 06/10/11 Tax Ministry of Azerbaijan started receiving video-addresses

Tax Ministry of Azerbaijan has started receiving taxpayers’ video-addresses. The Ministry reports that the ones who wish can address the Ministry on www.taxes.gov.az/vqebul site. " The taxpayers wanting to create video communication with the Ministry should pas registration and get acquainted with rules for addressing.

Date: 06/10/11 Intellectual traffic management system in Baku to be commissioned in December

Azerbaijani Transport Ministry plans in December to commission an intellectual traffic management system in Baku, Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov told reporters on Tuesday. "The cost of the project on creation of intellectual transport management system in Baku has not changed,

Date: 03/10/11 Azerbaijani State Social Protection Fund introduces electronic digital signature

The Azerbaijani State Social Protection Fund (SSPF) will introduce digital signature, starting from next quarter, SSPF Central Office IT Department head Elnur Majidov said on Friday. "Work is close to completion on improving the software forming e-control system, where subsequently a digital signature will be applied," Majidov said.

Date: 29/09/11 New law to regulate transition to digital broadcasting in Azerbaijan

The amendments to be made to the Law on "Broadcasting" will contribute to a more flexible management of the transition to digital broadcasting, executive director of the Association of Cable Operators in Azerbaijan (ACOA) Ali Aliyev told.

Date: 23/09/11 Azerbaijan develops earthquake warning system

The intelligent monitoring system of the Cybernetics Institute under the Azerbaijani National Academy of Sciences will reveal the coordinates of earthquakes in the future,

Date: 22/09/11 OIC secretary general to attend COMSTECH meeting in Baku

The next meeting of the Standing Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) will be held within the 17th exhibition and conference on telecommunications and information technologies BakuTel-2011 (November 23-26),

Date: 13/09/11 International conference on custom electronic services held in Baku

The 3rd international scientific and practical conference on custom electronic services is held in Baku. The co-oganizers of the event are the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federal Customs Service. The conference brings together nearly 200 delegations from 25 countries.

Date: 08/09/11 Nar Mobile opens “Nar Dunyasi” sales and service center in Siyazan city

On September 07, 2011 Nar Mobile opened “Nar Dunyasi” sales and service centre developed under new concept in Siyazan city. “Nar Dunyasi” sales and service center is a new chain of stores developed under new concept. The main concept of new

Date: 06/09/11 Azerbaijani museum introduces e-guide

The Archeological and Ethnographic Museum Complex Gala has completed work to introduce the e-museum guide, the complex told. The NEXUS Electronic Guide is a portable multimedia device with a 2.2-inch display. It is like a mobile phone.

Date: 06/09/11 Azerbaijan establishes e-registry for medicines

The Center for Analytical Examination of Medicines will soon finalize its work to integrate a medicine registry into an official Internet resource, the center told. "The integration will allow consumers to check medicine quality via serial number searches,

02 June 2024

01 06 2024