bölmədə 5838 material var

Date: 20/02/20 Qualcomm’s new 5-nanometer X60 modem chip will power next-gen 5G phones

Qualcomm Inc. has a new 5G modem chip for smartphones that’s the first in the industry to feature a more efficient

Date: 20/02/20 China successfully launched four experimental satellites

On Thursday, China launched four experimental satellites into orbit. This was reported by the China Corporation

Date: 20/02/20 SpaceX will launch private citizens into orbit

SpaceX is planning to send up to four private citizens into space to take a trip around Earth sometime at the

Date: 20/02/20 European Commission proposes a new digital strategy for Europe

The European Commission has announced proposals for a digital strategy that will include principles for the

Date: 20/02/20 How smartphone addiction changes your brain

Smartphone addiction physically changes the shape and size of the human brain in a similar way to the organ

Date: 19/02/20 Researchers claim solar efficiency breakthrough for flexible skin

A flexible solar “skin” that could be used to generate power on homes, cars and phones is a step closer to development

Date: 19/02/20 Worldwide ICT spending to reach $4.3 trillion in 2020

A new forecast from International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts worldwide spending on information and communications

Date: 19/02/20 All-in-one Microsoft Office app now available on Android

If you do a lot of different kinds of document and office editing, it can be frustrating to constantly switch between

Date: 19/02/20 Samsung’s Galaxy S20 Ultra has the best smartphone display ever made

After a few years of incremental upgrades, Samsung’s new Galaxy S20 models arguably represent the company’s

Date: 19/02/20 Neural network says these 11 asteroids could smash into Earth

A team of researchers at Leiden University in the Netherlands have developed a neural network called “Hazardous

Date: 19/02/20 Temperature screening robots to assist epidemic control in China

A Chinese university has developed a temperature screening robot for detecting abnormal body temperature in crowds, which has been put into production.

Date: 18/02/20 UK to spend $1.6 billion on the worlds fastest weather supercomputer

The UK's weather service, the Met Office, will spend £1.2 billion ($1.6 billion) to acquire the world's most powerful

Date: 18/02/20 MIT has enabled a soft robotic arm to understand its configuration

MIT has announced that for the first time, its team of scientists has enabled a soft robotic arm to understand 

Date: 17/02/20 Using sound and light to generate ultra-fast data transfer

Researchers have made a breakthrough in the control of terahertz quantum cascade lasers, which could lead to the

Date: 17/02/20 To advance robot swarms, UB engineers turn to video games

The key to improving robot swarm technology may lie within video games.

02 June 2024

01 06 2024