Date: 26/10/17 Google Play Protect Fails Android Antivirus Tests
Google Play and Android's built-in malware protection - Google Play Protect - which started rolling out on Google
Date: 26/10/17 Android to add DNS over TLS to keep ISPs from spying on you
Android, the world’s most popular mobile operating system, will soon enable a security protocol that helps keep
Date: 25/10/17 ESC issues warning about Bad Rabbit malware
Bad Rabbit ransomware virus attacking the information systems of more than 200 government agencies
Date: 23/10/17 Experts Predict $120B in Global Spending on Security Products, Services By 2021
Worldwide spending on security-related hardware, software, and services is forecast to reach $119.9 billion in
Date: 23/10/17 The UN expert called on states to create “bulletproof” personal data protection systems
Governments must not release any personal data under open data schemes unless privacy safeguards are
Date: 21/10/17 Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and Google join forces in fight against terrorism online
Technology giants Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and Google will join forces in the fight against terrorist content
Date: 20/10/17 New IDC Spending Guide Forecasts Nearly $120 Billion in Worldwide Spending on Security Products and Services in 2021
Worldwide spending on security-related hardware, software, and services is forecast to reach $119.9 billion in 2021
Date: 18/10/17 Google adds some basic antivirus features to Chrome for Windows
Antivirus software is always a cat and mouse game, but Google is trying to make things a little easier for users by
Date: 17/10/17 41 percent of Android phones are vulnerable to devastating Wi-Fi attack
A new exploit can allow attackers to read Wi-Fi traffic between devices and wireless access points, and even modify
Date: 16/10/17 Microsoft faces Dutch crunch over Windows 10 private data slurp
Yet another European nation is turning up the heat on Microsoft for extracting heaps and heaps of telemetry
Date: 16/10/17 DoubleLocker, the Android Ransomware that encrypts files and changes PIN Lock
Android’s accessibility services are features that help the users to take advantage of an alternative navigation
Date: 12/10/17 Buggy Microsoft Outlook Sending Encrypted S/MIME Emails With Plaintext Copy For Months
Beware, If you are using S/MIME protocol over Microsoft Outlook to encrypt your email communication, you need
Date: 11/10/17 WhatsApp flaw may reveal when a user is talking to someone else
A potential design flaw has been found in WhatsApp that will let anyone to track a user's activity. It can also be exploited
Date: 10/10/17 The amount of data leakage grew by eight times in the world
According to InfoWatch, a company specializing in information security technologies, the amount
Date: 07/10/17 Cyberattack to cause power disruption within five years, utility execs fear
Three-quarters of North American utility executives believe there is at least a moderate chance that the electrical
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