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Date: 23/02/17 Ransomware activity increases in 2016

2016 brought some interesting developments to the Android ransomware scene, seeing ransomware emerge as one of 

Date: 23/02/17 Experts expect an increase in hacker attacks

Experts from the French company Gemalto, expect an increase in hacker attacks in 2017. The methods cybercriminals 

Date: 21/02/17 EU privacy watchdogs say Windows 10 settings still raise concerns

European Union data protection watchdogs said on Monday they were still concerned about the privacy settings of 

Date: 20/02/17 Charging your phone in public places might not be as safe as you think

Charging your smartphone via public ports can give you that extra juice to get past the day but it may come at a high price.

Date: 18/02/17 The Unexpected Security Risk Posed by Connected Cars

Businesses who utilize connected cars as part of their everyday operations need to educate themselves about the risks 

Date: 18/02/17 Kaspersky launches operating system for embedded systems

Kaspersky OS is a specialized operating system designed for embedded systems with strict cybersecurity requirements. 

Date: 17/02/17 Only 3 Percent of Organizations Have Technology to Address Today’s Top Attack Types

Tripwire, Inc., a leading global provider of security and compliance solutions for enterprises and industrial organizations

Date: 16/02/17 This Android Trojan pretends to be Flash security update but downloads additional malware

Android smartphone users need to be careful of a new form of Trojan malware. It is specifically targeting Android 

Date: 16/02/17 Yahoo issues another warning in fallout from hacking attacks

Yahoo is warning users of potentially malicious activity on their accounts between 2015 and 2016, the latest development 

Date: 14/02/17 The number of mobile threats increased by 150% in 2016

ENISA has issued the annual ENISA Threat Landscape Report 2016, a document that synthesizes the emerging trends 

Date: 13/02/17 Android Ransomware Becomes More Powerful by Using Dropper

The Symantec security researchers warn that the use of droppers to infect devices with ransomware has now spread to Android.

Date: 10/02/17 Hummingbad Overtaken as Leading Mobile Malware in January’s Global Threat Impact Index

Hummingbad has been replaced as the top mobile malware threat. It has been usurped by Triada, a modular backdoor for Android.

Date: 10/02/17 The Biggest Subscriber Glitch In YouTube History

BlackScreenTV was once a YouTuber with 29,000 subscribers. Now he has under -1,500. Yup, that’s right, a negative 

Date: 09/02/17 BGU researchers develop technique to help outsmart smartphone thieves

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev have developed a verification method that can identify a thief in 14 seconds or less, depending 

Date: 09/02/17 A rash of invisible, fileless malware is infecting banks around the globe

Two years ago, researchers at Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab discovered their corporate network was infected with malware 

04 December 2024

03 12 2024