New project launched at High Technologies Park
A new project has been launched at the High Technologies Park of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies.
Under the project, which is called “Digital Azerbaijan”, master classes will be organized free of charge on a number of topics, including “Organization of private business with the use of cloud technologies”, “Connection to the global trade and payment platforms”, “Attraction of investments”, “Development of business models”, “Delivery of local products and services to the world market”.
The first training will be conducted under the topic “Business basics and the use of internet technologies in business organization”.
The master classes will be take place at the Business Incubation Center of the High Technologies Park on 27-28 February and 5-6 Mach 2016 (Nizami Street, 203-B, AF Business Center – the third floor).
Those wishing to participate in the master classes must register through this
For more information call 493-14-00 (2123) or contact