The system of cable channels will be improved in Baku
As is known, the system of cable channels was built in Baku many years ago. The system has been used for a very long time not only by communications enterprises, but also by government agencies and private organizations. The results of recent research show that the system is no longer fit for further use. And there are several reasons for this, including the impossibility of building of new branches of the system in certain areas of the city, improper use of the system for a long period of time, etc.
Presently, there are 16.900 wells of different sizes, 1820 km of telephone conduits and 4006 cable channels on the balance sheet of Baku Telephone Communications Production Association (BTCPA) of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies. The cable channels of BTCPA accommodate 1,800 km of fiber-optic lines, 13,371 km of physical cables (copper) and 3,500 km fiber-optic lines with different capacities that are owned by other organizations.
Currently, BTCPA is carrying out an audit of the system. Studies carried out by BTCPA specialists show that the system of cable channels is loaded above the norm. The cables were placed in the channels inaccurately, without marking and their installation does not meet the regulatory requirements. This makes it impossible to carry out work in the wells in case of emergency. And it is not possible to dismantle damaged lines without damaging other cables and to lay new cable lines because of the overloading of the cable channels. All these create obstacles for the efficient provision of communication services.
According to BTCPA, serious measures are currently being implemented to eliminate these shortcomings. As a result of these measures, a system of cable channels meeting all standards and requirements will be created, which will support the development of both government organizations and private companies by providing them with continuous and stable communications.