
Number of teachers using corporate e-mail service reaches 2,000 people

2,000 Azerbaijani teachers have already registered at the corporate e-mail service.  ‘ad.soyad@teacher.edu.az’ e-mail was created for teachers jointly by the Ministry of Education, ‘Microsoft’ company and ‘Mədəd Azərbaycan’ organization within ‘the State Program for informatization of the education system of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2008-2012’. 

This information was provided to ‘ICTnews’ by the ICT Information Center.  According to the center, mail addresses were created for teachers at the ‘teacher.edu.az’ domain within this Project that is being implemented with ‘Microsoft-Azərbaycan’ company’s assistance. E-mail addresses operate on the bases of the “Microsoft Live@Edu” technological platform. ‘@teacher.edu.az’ has a number of advantages.

This e-mail address includes 10 GB secure mailboxes, information sharing network, rapid correspondence system, flexible search system, personal work planning tools, tools for formation network groups and 25 GB web space for keeping large-size files in the Internet.

The manager of ‘Microsoft-Azərbaycan’ company’s  ‘Cooperation in Education Program’, Emin Akhundov told that  ‘ad.soyad@teacher.edu.az’ e-mail was created for the teachers, who took part in the trainings, organized within the State Program, and work at the pilot schools involved in ‘e-School’ project.

‘The main objectives of this Project are promotion of sharing of information between  the professional teachers and bringing  this process to a new level as well as  creation of  conditions for introduction of electronic management and  electronic documents circulation in the education system.   

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