
Application of electronic teaching tools in learning English language to be widened

‘British Council’ and ‘Mədəd Azərbaycan’ signed a contract on cooperation in the education sphere.  Under this contract, 200 teachers and 500 students from Baku, Sumgait, Shirvan, Geychay and Mingechevir cities will take part in English language courses, organized by ‘British Council’, for improving their knowledge and professional skills. This information was provided to ‘ICTnews’ by ‘Mədəd’ organization.

According to ‘Mədəd’, ‘British Council’ will hold a number of training sessions to teach the teachers and students to use electronic tools for learning English language. Upon completion of the trainings ‘British Council’  and ‘Mədəd Azərbaycan’  will provide teachers with online communication means so that they could share their experience.

The ‘British Council’s innovative teaching tools will be employed in every day class activities. The main objective of this project is to teach teachers to use various tools for gathering information. 
At present, teachers don’t need to leave their work places for getting information. They can simply use the network  to access e-libraries and other sources of information. So information must be open, correct and reliable. 

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14 March 2025 23:45:18

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