
‘Hackathon Azerbaijan’ mobile program competition announced in connection with ‘Eurovision’

A mobile program competition titled ‘Game Within Game’ has been announced by organizers of the ‘Hackathon Azerbaijan’ program. This information was provided to ‘ICTnews’ by an employee of the ‘Hackathon Azerbaijan’ project. According to the conditions of the contest, the persons who will develop the best application for the ‘Android’ platform’ written in Azerbaijani or English languages will be reworded with a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 smart-phone.

The award will be provided by representatives of the ‘Samsung’ company and top manager of the ‘Hackathon Azerbaijan’ project Rashad Aliyev. 

Besides that, the ‘Samsung’ company may introduce some of the best applications to its smart-phones.  Results of the contest will be announced in April 2012.  Let’s note that ‘Hackathon’ is one in the series the projects jointly implemented by programmers and hackers in order to solve various problems.

The main goal of ‘Hackathon’ is development of different programs and tools through organizing a competition between programmers and hackers. During the completion they can test their abilities and improve their programming skills. ‘Hackathon Azerbaijan’ is one of the ‘Hackathon’ projects, which is held in Azerbaijan.

  The ‘Hackathon Azerbaijan’ project developed by “Baku Google Technology User Group” is a competition organized between local professional and amateur programmers, in which they can check their programming skills and share their experiences.  It is expected that various competitions and Olympiads will be held in Azerbaijan within the ‘Hackathon Azerbaijan’ Project.

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