
Internet kiosks to be installed in regional post offices

The batch of Internet kiosks which will be installed in regional post offices will be delivered by the end of April, according to IREX organization. The project is implemented through a USAID grant. The device is expected to be available for public use in May.

The project is implemented with the assistance of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijani postal operator Azerpoct.

According to the project requirements, Internet kiosks will be installed in 30 Azerport regional post offices located in villages and towns, mainly in areas with large populations and the availability of a suitable infrastructure.

Under the project, the kiosks will be located in district centres and villages and towns, mainly in areas with a large population and a required infrastructure.

The main purpose of the installation of the kiosks in country areas is to provide people with access to information so that they can make online payments, apply electronically to public bodies to submit applications and make complaints on existing problems.



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