
State duties and taxes to be paid via plastic cards and Internet

A decision has been made to introduce amendments to the ‘Regulations on state technical inspection of motor vehicles and their trailers’, which were approved by the Cabinet of Ministers’ order No: 40 of 15 March 1999. 

The Cabinet of Ministers posted a statement on its official website saying that from now on state duties and taxes will be paid only via banks, post-offices, plastic cards and the Internet. State technical inspection of motor vehicles is conducted in the places outfitted with special equipment.   

The car owner can electronically apply for a technical inspection of his car via the Internet. After making an e-application, the car owner will be informed about the date and time of the technical inspection.  The state body, which organizes a technical inspection, placed on the e-services section of its official website a list of documents required for a state technical inspection.

This section also has electronic application forms, which must be filled out and submitted electronically by car owners via the Internet. The applicant must electronically submit the filled application and scanned copies of other documents to the state body.  If an official working at the state body feels suspicion about authenticity of any of scanned copies of documents, he either checks at the data base of the relevant state body, which issued this document, or asks  the car owner to present the original of the document.

In case of detection of any of technical faults  listed in Annex 1 to the Road Traffic Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan, they must be clearly indicated in the Act compiled by the official responsible for  the technical inspection. Technical inspection of motor vehicles is conducted continuously during working days.  

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