
49,30% of computer users are women in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan 49,30% of computer users and 47,70% of the people who use internet in offices are women.  Cities account for 38,80% of female computer users, and villages - for 40,10%. This information was provided to ICTnews by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan.  According to the ministry, the total number of the workers employed in the ICT sector amounts to 31,000 people.  10,600 of them are women.

That means that 34,2% of ICT workers are women.  In total, 17,070 people work in the Ministry of Communications and IT’s structural subdivisions 5,844 people or 34,2%  of whom are women. Women also account for 42,4% of employees of the Ministry with 2 women  working as department heads there.

For postal sector this figure constitutes 46%.  567 women work in executive positions in the in the Ministry of Communications and IT.  By the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan 1 women received the ‘Honorable Engineer’ title, 7 woman received the ‘Progress’ medal, and 3 woman received the for the ‘Distinction in Civil Service’.

 By the order of the Minister of Communications and Information Technologies 136 women were awarded with honorary certificate, 58 women received the ‘Communication Master’ and 5 women ‘Honorable Postal and Telecommunications Worker’.    

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