
Google vice president Vinton Cerf to take part in Internet Governance Forum in Baku

Google vice president Vinton Cerf will take part in the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Baku in autumn, Azerbaijani Internet community (ISOC Azerbaijan) Chairman Galib Gurbanov told press.

IGF is the largest-scale event. It is timed to opening the International Telecommunications Exhibition BakuTel-2012 on November 6-9.

Gurbanov said that the issue of Google management's participation in IGF was discussed in Geneva within the World Conference Global INET 2012 to mark the 20th anniversary of the Internet Society Global INET 2012 Conference aimed at determining the directions of the Internet development for the next 20 years.

"The participants of the meeting showed great attention and interest in organizing the IGF forum in Baku," he said.


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