
Facebook’s Next Foreign Growth: Asia

In some of the largest countries, Facebook’s number of MAU is approaching its saturation point. Now it’s time to look further abroad for new opportunities. Which markets have the potential to become Facebook’s next big thing?

The rank of the Top 15 Facebook countries is still dominated by the USA, followed by Brazil, India and Indonesia competing closely with each other. As the growth numbers suggest, the Philippines could surpass the United Kingdom and move from 7th place to 6th place. The Top 15 used to be dominated by Europe but now only few remain: Turkey, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Spain.

Asia’s Potential

Looking at Facebook’s country statistics, you’ll notice that only a handful of countries embrace the majority of Facebook’s 901 mi­llion-user’s base. However, new growth might stem from countries that Facebook hasn´t conquered yet. Asia has a huge potential as Facebook embraces its cultural differences and political regulations. Could these countries become the next Facebook stars?

Earlier in February, The Economist reported that the Vietnamese relationship with Facebook is of the"love-and-hate" variety. The country, where Facebook has been blocked since 2009, is apparently growing fast enough (13.5%) to get into the Top 20 in a few years time.


Japan is still predominantly a Twitter nation, however reasonable growth of 4.5% supports Facebook´s po­sition. For developed e-commerce and retail brands, Facebook represents further opportunities for online growth.


Russians are one of the most active users of social networks. Currently the market is dominated by the local social network called vKontakte. However, it is not guaranteed that vKontakte’s po­pularity will remain unshakeable. The growth numbers suggest that Facebook has a very high chance to lead this market and it could take just a few language adjustments for this to happen faster than we would imagine.



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14 March 2025 23:22:29

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