After introduction of the “One Window’ system in the State Registration System 75,765 physical persons and 13,713 legal entities were registered in Azerbaijan in the period from January 01, 2008 to May 31, 2012. By May 31, 2012 8,958 taxpayers passed through the online registration.
This information was provided to ICT news by the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan. According to the ministry, 94,4% of the registered legal entities were limited liability companies. Amendments made to the legislation define two forms of registration – fast and common. The fast registration service can be only used by the citizens, who have perfect certificates and enhanced e-signatures.
During fast registration of a legal entity the citizen doesn’t need to present any documents to the Ministry of Taxes. All they need is to access the ministry’s official web-page and fill up an electronic application. In this case, the rapid registration system automatically prepares the foundation order and the charter of the legal entity. During the common registration the citizen must fill up an application form by indicating their name, name of a legal entity, size of authorized capital on it.
They must also attach the charter and the foundation order to the application. Let’s note that switching from paper based to online services provide taxpayers with a number of advantages. Now, the taxpayer has to electronically apply to only one state body for registering a legal entity.
Besides that, the citizen can create a legal entity from any place and with any person. Now, citizens don’t have to notarize documents and attach their copies to the application. They don’t have to pay any state dues during the registration process, and they also don’t have to pay authorized capital at once.
For fast registration the founder of legal entity must only put their e-signature on the order and the charter provided by the system. The absence of an owner – official intercourse plays an important role in insuring transparency of the registration process. Results of the poll conducted by the Ministry of Taxes show that taxpayers are pleased with the novelties that have been resently introduced in the sphere of electronic services.
Around 9,000 taxpayers passed through online registration

This information was provided to ICT news by the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan. According to the ministry, 94,4% of the registered legal entities were limited liability companies. Amendments made to the legislation define two forms of registration – fast and common. The fast registration service can be only used by the citizens, who have perfect certificates and enhanced e-signatures.
During fast registration of a legal entity the citizen doesn’t need to present any documents to the Ministry of Taxes. All they need is to access the ministry’s official web-page and fill up an electronic application. In this case, the rapid registration system automatically prepares the foundation order and the charter of the legal entity. During the common registration the citizen must fill up an application form by indicating their name, name of a legal entity, size of authorized capital on it.
They must also attach the charter and the foundation order to the application. Let’s note that switching from paper based to online services provide taxpayers with a number of advantages. Now, the taxpayer has to electronically apply to only one state body for registering a legal entity.
Besides that, the citizen can create a legal entity from any place and with any person. Now, citizens don’t have to notarize documents and attach their copies to the application. They don’t have to pay any state dues during the registration process, and they also don’t have to pay authorized capital at once.
For fast registration the founder of legal entity must only put their e-signature on the order and the charter provided by the system. The absence of an owner – official intercourse plays an important role in insuring transparency of the registration process. Results of the poll conducted by the Ministry of Taxes show that taxpayers are pleased with the novelties that have been resently introduced in the sphere of electronic services.
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