
Barnes & Noble brings out Nook for Web, comes full circle with e-reading

We'd say it's about time. Although it's almost two years late to the party, Barnes & Noble is responding to Amazon's Kindle for the Web with Nook for Web. Much like its counterpart across the virtual aisle, the Nook web edition lets readers browse free samples and whole books entirely from a web browser while preserving the bookmarking and layout options we've come to know and love.

Social mavens will like the options to share over Facebook and Twitter without having to leave the page, and recommendations will pop up as you shop.

There's no highlights, however, so it won't quite replace the Nook app on your iPad just yet. Nook for Web is already ready and waiting as part of Barnes & Noble's online store, so those who can't be bothered with native apps can get their fix immediately.

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