
Job seekers to take online career choice test

From now on, job seekers will be able to take an online carrier test in order to choose their future profession. According to information provided to ICTnews by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the ministry is expected to start rendering to the population an electronic service called “Online carrier choice test”. By using this service job seekers will acquire information about their professional aptitude.

The online carrier choice test for identifying professional aptitude of the job seeker will be conducted by the State Employment Service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population. This e-service will help citizens to find jobs matching their professional aptitudes. It will also provide job seekers with helpful advices and recommendations inform young people about vacancies in the labor market, and inform school livers about opportunities for continuing their education in institutes of higher education.

To use this services citizens will need to register themselves at the  “http://www.ses.gov.az/prof/” web site and fill up and submit e-application for taking an online carrier choice test. Let’s note that based on the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s decree on “Some measures for the organization of e- Services rendered by state bodies”, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population is expected to provide citizens with 11 e-services, including “Acceptance of applications and documents for additional/professional education and employment”,  “Search of job through employment agencies”, “Online presentation of employers’ reports”, “Acceptance of applications and documents for providing unemployed  status and determining unemployment benefits”,   “Calculator for calculating the size of unemployment benefits”, “Providing the relevant state agencies with information about industrial accidents”, “Acceptance of applications and documents for determining the degree of disability, implementing medical and social rehabilitation and providing prosthetic and orthopedic gears and rehabilitation means”, “Acceptance of applications and documents for providing targeted social assistance”,  “Acceptance of applications and documents for providing state social security services”,  “Social calculator for calculating the size of social reliefs and pensions”.

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