
Facebook update aims to beautify its Photos service

Like all of the social network's updates, the new feature is being rolled out gradually.Facebook has once again redesigned the look of its Photos service. This time, the company is attempting to beautify the look of Photos on your Timeline, as well as the Timeline of anyone's profile you stumble upon. The new landing page is just an update of the old one: it has all of a Facebook user's photos on one page, which Facebook friends can easily Like and comment on.

You may not have the new feature yet, as the social-networking giant is pushing it out slowly to all of its 955 million monthly active users. "It'll be rolling out slowly over the course of a few weeks," a Facebook spokesperson told me in a statement. As a side note, I've also noticed that tagged names in photos now include the number of tagged photos in brackets. This is actually a link that will take you to the tagged person's photo page (facebook.com/name/photos).

If you don't see the new Photos design yet, here's what it will look like:

A picture is worth a thousand words, and all that jazz. There's not much to add beyond what you see above.
Facebook does note, however, that the new design lets you see "larger pictures that fill up the page" when you click Photos at the top of Timeline. As you'd expect, the menu allows you to find shots you're tagged in, pictures you've shared, and albums you've created.

Given that this feature is part of Timeline, it of course offers you a way to highlight photos for featuring on your Timeline. To do so, click the star button beside a given photo.

Facebook has been regularly tweaking the look of Photos on its site since the service first launched and this appears a big improvement. Given that there are more than 300 million photos uploaded to Facebook daily, it's about time.

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