
State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patents conducts patent digitalization

The State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patents is conducting patent digitalization, e-governance application, and e-services for intellectual property rights registration and protection, the committee reported.

According to the information, the project is being carried out within the grant agreement on the intellectual property rights automation control system signed between the committee and the Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry of the Republic of Korea on October 11, 2011.

The Korean company Siriussoft corp. under the direction of the Agency for International Cooperation of Korea (KOICA) is working to establish an automated search system for intellectual property rights, electronic document, electronic publications, training center and
other work. Part of the necessary equipment, computers and servers have already been purchased and installed in the committee.

Using the system will expand scientific research, inventions, increase innovation products and develop the electronic technology market.

The main purpose of the training center is to train specialists in the field of intellectual property, commissioners on patents and to inform public about the objects of intellectual property.

The fees for acquiring the rights to intellectual property, expertise and other payments will be paid through electronic payment. In this regard, the contract was signed between the Examination of Industrial Property Center (AzPatent) Committee and "Golden Pay" company.

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