
Use of Internet banking extends in Azerbaijan

12.209 million operations were carried out on 55.38 milliard manats by the national payment system of Azerbaijan during the first half of the current year. It was noted in the report on financial stability of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan in accordance with results of the first half of the year.

Number of operations grew by 57.8 percent or 4.47 million manats and total amount grew by 23.6 percent or 10.56 million manats in comparison with the similar period of last year.

The daily average number of calculations was 92.5 thousand in volume consisting of 419.6 million manats (they were 58.6 thousand and 339.5 million manats for the similar period of last year) during first half of the year.

91.1 percent of non-cash payments in volume of 50.48 milliard manats were made by means of AZİPS system (real time interbank national calculations system). Total amount of operations grew by 27.6 percent in comparison with the similar period of last year. The average sum of each payment document was 240.8 thousand manats.

8.6 percent of payments (4.9 milliard manats) were made by means of the Clearing Settlement System for Small-Value Payments. Share of the Clearing Settlement System for Small-Value Payments was 98.2 percent among number of payments and total number of payments was 11.99 million manats by the end of the reporting period. The volume of payments grew by 54.7 percent (1.73 milliard manats) and their number grew by 58.5 percent (4.43 million) during a year. The sum of each payment was 411.3 manats.

“Commercial banks continued to improve infrastructure on service of plastic cards”, – is told in the report.
Plastic cards served 2227 ATMs and 36310 POS terminals established by local banks during the first half of the year. Number of POS terminals grew for 3.4 times in comparison with the similar period of last year.
23 403 thousand operations were made on 3565 million manats by means of ATMs and 1988 thousand operations were made on 3565 million manats by means of POS terminals during the first half of the year.
Number of plastic cards grew by 245.5 thousand to 4.8 million units and it means that each one thousand people (reached the age of majority) have averagely 804.3 payment cards.

Use of bank services provided on the Internet extends too. So, 13.3 thousand operations were made on 2.7 million manats by means of Internet banking during the reporting period.

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