
‘National Internet Award’ competition started in Azerbaijan

The National Internet Award Millinet-2012 started in Azerbaijan on the 20th  of September 2012.
The Millinet Organizing Committee informs that this year the number of the contest will include 13 nominations and traditionally only sites with Azerbaijani version are allowed to participate in the competition. This year the list of nominations replenished with two new ones: "Best Social Network" and «StartUp 2012".

Nomination "Best Social Network" is allowed companies that were able to establish information relations in active form and provide their services on its page in Facebook. Nomination “StartUp 2012" is designed to stimulate the creation of new sites in Azerbaijani segment of Internet, and competition is open to only the sites created in 2012. The process of registration of resources to take part in the competition will finish in late November.

The voting process will begin on 15 December and the awards ceremony will be held by the end of 2012. The award sponsors are the Ministry of Communications & IT of Azerbaijan, Delta Telecom, Azercell Telecom, etc.

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