
E-catalog of all the medicinal products, which have passed through the state registration, have been launched in Azerbaijan

An electronic information portal has been created in Azerbaijan to make it easier for citizens to find necessary medical products. Administrator of the portal Ramil Nachafli said that an electronic catalog “Dermaninfo.az”, featuring  medical products in alphabetical order, have now been placed on the portal. “Citizens can obtain information about all the medical products, which have passed the state registration, from this portal.

  The e-catalog, which was prepared based on the international experience, contains information on all medicines, which have passed through the state registration.  Citizens can use the search section of the portal to find the required medicine. The website contains information about medical products, including their prices and registration numbers, in Azerbaijani language. 

Medical products come off the register and new products pass thorough the state registration. Therefore the information on the website is constantly updated.  It is also possible to order required medicines via the portal. The process of downloading information on all the medical products in Azerbaijan, which have passed the state registration, is expected to finish by the end of December. 

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