
National software created for controlling personal budget

Today, the ICT sector may be viewed as an efficient tool for ensuring sustainable development of Azerbaijan, strengthening the country’s intellectual capacity and developing business. The Ministry of Communications and High Technologies keeps business projects operating in these directions in the center of its attention and takes necessary measures for development of these projects.

One of these business projects, the company PES, which is currently operating at the High Technologies Park, has developed new software for monitoring its personal expenses, which is called "Israf". The software has both mobile and web versions and is registration free. The mobile version is more useful for the inclusion of expenses.

All information coming from a mobile device is identified by the server. But it is not necessary to connect a mobile device to the Internet for the inclusion of expenses. The program works according to the "cloud technology" logic. All information is stored in both mobile equipment and server. And there is a service ensuring data exchange between them.

For example, you include expenses using your mobile phone. Then, during your leisure time, you access the Internet via your computer’s browser to divide these expenses by category (transportation, food, education and so on).  You can also specify a significance level for each expense.  

At the end of the month, you will know for what and how much money you spent based on the information you entered. The program also has an option for carrying out multicurrency operations based on the current exchange rate of the Central Bank. The program has been translated into the Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages.

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