
Antivirus producers intend to fill gaps on Azerbaijani information security market

Azerbaijan only has a small share of the IT anti-virus solutions market and as a result is dwarfed in the international stage, Helyum Bilisim Hizmetleri IT-manager Bulent Dogru told.

He said that the weak trading in the Azerbaijani information security market is one of the reasons that attracts many antivirus vendors to the country, including Trend Micro.

He said: "The Azerbaijani market is quite large. The gaps in this segment open up great possibilities to develop the market and the producers. In particular, such Russian manufacturers as Kaspersky Lab and Dr. Web are involved in this market due to the close territorial proximity to Azerbaijan."

The market must not be limited to two or three players. Therefore, Trend Micro expects to become the fourth largest player in the Azerbaijani market and to get about a half of the anti-virus system sales.

He went on: "We plan to hold regular training and workshops with similar events taking place in Azerbaijani higher education institutions."

Turkish Helyum Bilisim Hizmetleri is Trend Micro's distributor in the Central Asian region. The Azerbaijani company KUR represents Turkish company's interests in the Azerbaijani market. The main objective of cooperation is to promote Trend Micro's solutions in the Azerbaijani market.

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