
WhatsApp Could Soon Allow Users To Edit Already Sent Or Received Photos

WhatsApp's Quick Edit for media feature is reportedly in works. Facebook-owned instant messenger is said to be working on a new 'minor' feature that may allow users to quickly edit already sent media within chats. Now if that sounds exciting, WAbetainfo has shared some screenshots of the feature that's currently under development, offering a glimpse of its working and more.
WhatsApp is expected to enable 'Quick Edit' for users in the next updates. Currently, WhatsApp allows users to edit, crop and doodle photos before sharing with friends and there's no way you can make edits to an already sent photo. Right now, the only possible solution is to delete it for both and re-share which is time-consuming and highly inconvenient. WhatsApp is likely to address this issue in future updates.
WhatsApp's Quick Edit media shortcut is expected to save your time and storage since you can quickly edit already sent or received media within chats without having to install any other third-party photo editing app. However, WhatsApp's Quick Edit shortcut doesn't seem to replace already sent photos. The feature should be available for both, WhatsApp for Android and iOS in the future.

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14 March 2025 23:54:55

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