
YouTube tops US video users in December

Led by YouTube, Google Inc.'s websites maintained their stranglehold on the top spot in U.S. online video users last month, according to data issued Tuesday by comScore Inc.

Google sites generated 157.2 million unique viewers in December, while Vevo--the music video portal of Sony Corp., Vivendi SA's Universal Music Group and EMI--ranked second with 53.7 million.

Yahoo Inc. sites ranked third with 53.3 million viewers, followed by Viacom Digital with 45.8 million and Facebook.com with 42 million.

Also in the top 10 were Microsoft Corp.; AOL Inc.; Hulu, a joint venture of News Corp., NBC Universal, Walt Disney Co. and Hulu employees; Amazon.com Inc.; and Time Warner Inc.'s Turner Digital.

The average viewer watched 23.2 hours of online video content, with Google sites (7.9 hours) and Hulu (3 hours) demonstrating the highest average engagement among the top 10 properties.
News Corp. is the parent company of Dow Jones, the publisher of this newswire.
Source: Total Telecom

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