
Incoming Internet traffic increases by 35 mln minutes in Azerbaijan

The volume of incoming Internet traffic in Azerbaijan increased by 35 million minutes in 2011 compared to 2010 and amounted to 723 million minutes, the Azerbaijani Communications and IT Ministry's report said.

According to the ministry, the volume of outgoing traffic hit 182 million minutes, increasing by 22 million minutes. Compared to 2010, the volume of outgoing traffic increased by 13.9 percent, incoming - by 5.7 percent.

Over the past period, the number of international telephone channels also increased by 1,206 units and hit 9,116 units.The AZNET segment's throughput capacity also increased 1.4 times up to 55 Gbps..

The level of Internet penetration as of Jan. 1, 2012 hit 65 percent, or 30 percent more compared to 2010. In 2011, according to the Ministry, 30 users of broadband Internet accounted for every 100 people, which is twice more than the previous figure.

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