
New websites of Azerbaijan

The work in the sphere of library affair development continues in Azerbaijan. Under the decree of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev dated 6 October 2008 "About ratification of the state program of development of the library information sphere for 2008-2013", the Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture and Tourism continues work in the development of library affair.

According to the news service for the Azerbaijan's Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the new websites of the libraries were launched in Ganja and Mingechevir as well as the Zardab regions of Azerbaijan.
The websites including www.gencekitab.az, www.gencekitab.az, www.azerbaijan.az,
www.zerdabmks.webs.com provide information about the Azerbaijani Republic, its touristic, natural and human potential.

The opening of the new websites of libraries in other regions of the country is also envisioned within the framework of the aforementioned state program.

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