On this occasion the school arranged a ceremony at which students called for maximum use of the unique chance of communicating with the robot, as it will be useful for them in the hereafter. Pepper himself said: «I Never thought that I will be accepted into a human school.» The robot promised to «try my best».
Pepper is able to speak not only Japanese but also English. Therefore, it is mostly use in English classes. But the school said that the robot can visit and other activities. Teachers expect that learning with the robot will stimulate the desire of students to new knowledge.
Robot Pepper developed by Japanese Corporation SoftBank Robotics. While it is intended primarily for customer service in banks and shops. But it already involves also work on exhibitions and for other tasks.
In March last year, the robot Pepper welcomed high school students and students at the fair MEGA EXPO, where future professionals in various industries talked about opportunities of getting higher education, employment and career growth. In June of 2015 class of robots Pepper were presented at a defense technology exhibition Robotics Challenge Expo in California (USA). Around the same batch of thousands of robots Pepper was unveiled in Japan on sale for the price of 214 thousand yen (about $1900), and it completely sold out in one minute. In September Pepper was a member of the creative Spikes Asia festival in Singapore. In January of this year, the robot Pepper welcomed the participants to the world’s largest technology show CES 2016, is traditionally held in Las Vegas. In February this robot visited Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. And now, after the first year, and an eventful travel, the robot Pepper started teaching in a regular school.
According to the developers, the robot Pepper is equipped with a large number of cameras and sensors that allow him to identify virtually the entire spectrum of human emotions: joy, sadness, fear, excitement, irritation. Depending on the situation Pepper can laugh in response to a joke or start to comfort his master. It also has the ability to self-teach.
The Japanese government actively encourages the production and introduction of robots, hoping that the country will occupy leading position in the world in this sector of the economy. From the state budget are allocated, in particular, subsidies to firms that introduce cybernetic workers.
The first robot in the world officially accepted to study in high school
This week, talking humanoid robot Pepper was officially admitted in the school in the Japanese city of Waseda in Fukushima Prefecture, according to TASS. The publication notes that this is the first in the world when the robot will learn together with children.On this occasion the school arranged a ceremony at which students called for maximum use of the unique chance of communicating with the robot, as it will be useful for them in the hereafter. Pepper himself said: «I Never thought that I will be accepted into a human school.» The robot promised to «try my best».
Pepper is able to speak not only Japanese but also English. Therefore, it is mostly use in English classes. But the school said that the robot can visit and other activities. Teachers expect that learning with the robot will stimulate the desire of students to new knowledge.
Robot Pepper developed by Japanese Corporation SoftBank Robotics. While it is intended primarily for customer service in banks and shops. But it already involves also work on exhibitions and for other tasks.
In March last year, the robot Pepper welcomed high school students and students at the fair MEGA EXPO, where future professionals in various industries talked about opportunities of getting higher education, employment and career growth. In June of 2015 class of robots Pepper were presented at a defense technology exhibition Robotics Challenge Expo in California (USA). Around the same batch of thousands of robots Pepper was unveiled in Japan on sale for the price of 214 thousand yen (about $1900), and it completely sold out in one minute. In September Pepper was a member of the creative Spikes Asia festival in Singapore. In January of this year, the robot Pepper welcomed the participants to the world’s largest technology show CES 2016, is traditionally held in Las Vegas. In February this robot visited Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. And now, after the first year, and an eventful travel, the robot Pepper started teaching in a regular school.
According to the developers, the robot Pepper is equipped with a large number of cameras and sensors that allow him to identify virtually the entire spectrum of human emotions: joy, sadness, fear, excitement, irritation. Depending on the situation Pepper can laugh in response to a joke or start to comfort his master. It also has the ability to self-teach.
The Japanese government actively encourages the production and introduction of robots, hoping that the country will occupy leading position in the world in this sector of the economy. From the state budget are allocated, in particular, subsidies to firms that introduce cybernetic workers.
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