


B & BTV Communications choose the Dutch Irdeto conditional access system

The operator of cable television in Azerbaijan B & BTV Communications has chosen the Dutch Irdeto conditional access system, marketing manager for B & BTV Communications reported.

A conditional access system will be used to view the commercial package in the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic which is expected to be launched in the second half of the year.

The B & BTV Communications company will use the Irdeto encryption system, which in combination with protected receivers will provide optimal protection against illegal content viewing. Accordingly, the operability of receivers in the B & BTV Communications network will depend on their integration with the conditional access system.

The project of deployment of digital television standard DVB-T, according to company, is implemented in three stages. In the first phase, work has already underway to ensure a social digital package to the population of the city of Nakhchivany. The antenna from which digital content is broadcast is installed at the Duzdag television station.

In the third phase, expansion of a social package to remote areas of the Autonomous Republic is being provided. To this end, it is planned to install stations in the village of Ibadullah (Sharur district) Sederek district and Deste village (Ordubad district). The question of expanding the commercial package will be considered depending on consumer demand.

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