


ICT sector accounts for 1.7% of GDP

In January-April of 2012, the GDP volume of Azerbaijan made up AZN 16.6 bn, which is  0.3% more than in the same period of last year. The State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan announced that the volume of added value generated by non-oil sector of the economy constituted AZN 7.1 bn. which makes up 42.5% of GPD and is 9.5% more than in the same period of the previous year.

At the same time, the volume of added value generated by oil and gas producing and processing industry is 6.4% less than in the same period of last year.  59.3% of GDP was produced in industry, 2.5% in agriculture, fishing and forestry, 6.7% in construction, 7.0% in trade and car repair services, 4.9% in transport and storage, 1.4% in tourist accommodation and catering services, 1.7% in ICT sector, 10.3% in social and other services, 6.2%  through net taxes in production and import. As for the value added generated in January-April of 2012, 22.0% of it was generated in construction, 17.3 in tourist accommodation and catering services, 13.2% in information and communication services, 9.1% in trade and car repair services, 4.5% in agriculture, fishing and forestry.

The value added generated in the minerals industry was 6.7% less than in the same period of the previous year. At the same time, in comparison with the same period of last year, the value added generated in the processing industry grew by 15.5%,  in the sphere of production, distribution and delivery  of electric power, gas and vapor it grew by 5.6%,  in the sphere of water supply and cleaning and  processing of waste it grew by 5.0%. 

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